Pandori Incorporated

Ever since the creation of global computer networks or Internets across many worlds. Companies have sought to control the flow of information and knowledge going through such networks. Eventually, around the same time as the Galactic Scene was formed, these global networks were fused together to create a Galaxy-Wide computer network, the Extranet. The old Corporations from each world started grabbing onto the new network, but one in particular did the impossible. Its name is Pandori Inc. , an Aegi-originated corporation which succeeded in owning most of the media within the Milky Way. Thanks to this success, it quickly grew in power, becoming a MegaCorp that even Hegima Ind. avoids most of the time.   To this day, Pandori Inc. has been acting as a calming tide for not only the MegaCorps but also the Galactic Scene as a whole. Their influence is so powerful that even aggressive factions such as Hegima or Mobius tend to listen to them.   Of course, this does not mean that Pandori itself is stagnant. Far from it, this MegaCorp actually has the objective to own the entirety of the Extranet. Such power would allow them to control the masses and create a total Hegemony upon the Milky Way along with Hegima’s Surveillance systems.   Additionally, it is known that Hegima's surveillance systems around the Unima-Moreta border have been disputed since 417 A.F by Pandori. The outcome was a win on Pandori’s side.   All in all, Pandori knows how the politics and economics game works better than any other corporation.   Their motto is : “Knowledge & Entertainment to Infinity.”
Corporation, News & Media


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