Varkain Laboratories

Following the opening of “Moreta’s Rift”, many syndicates and even MegaCorps became interested in the new variable named by default “Magic”. The most successful of those groups is Varkain Labs. , it started as a small company studying the arcane and ended up as a young MegaCorp today.   A few decades back, the study of the arcane led Varkain to engage in a war against Möbius, a self-sustaining group with a firm belief in Penguin Supremacy. Said war was originally started due to the over-zealous wants of Möbius as well as the promise of a positive view from the denizen of the Milky Way for Varkain.   Indeed, both Möbius and Varkain had something to gain out of this war, one searched for technological and materialistic gains, while the other sought out influence towards the people of the galaxy. As ugly as Möbius may be and as “clean” as Varkain may seem, both factions studied the same magical phenomena and experimented on many individuals.   From the loss of many Tenebhrae in order to discover their true essence by Varkain. Or the “creation” of Living Batteries from innocent Novakids by Möbius. Evil hides in every single one of us, rearing its disgusting head on certain occasions. One of the greatest sins of Varkain Labs. is the usage of DEVOTs, beings engineered through magic and high technology. The DEVOT Project was originally started by Hegima Industries’ subsidiary, H3-lyx.   The technology was more or less stolen after an unfortunate accident and sold to many groups and syndicates. One of them being Varkain, they first adapted said technology in order to create DEVOTs able to use almost any material (be it rock, metal, ice,...) as hosts, essentially creating actual golems powered not by magic in itself, but an actual organism.
Varkain Laboratories protects its assets with an iron fist and keeps a close eye to any magical happenings all over the Milky Way galaxy, partly due to them being a MegaCorp in search of a monopoly, but also due to the curiosity of their Founder and Galactic CEO, Zirn Hellsting.   Motto : “Study the Arcane. Unlock the Last Door.”
Corporation, Research & Development


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