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Boneshatter's Battle Axe

This oversized greataxe contains the spirit of a bloodthirsty Red Dragon named Boneshatter who, despite his magical prowess, excelled in martial combat in his life. In death, his soul is bound to his favorite weapon from when he took human form. Now his soul can communicate telepathically to anyone that is touching the axe. Even without a body, Boneshatter's magic is strong enough and his knowledge vast enough that he can potentially serve as a Warlock's patron.   The greataxe has the following basic properties:
  • Oversized: Its basic damage die is now 2d8 instead of 1d12.
  • Heavy: If you are a medium creature or smaller, you have disadvantage on attack rolls. If you are tiny, you cannot wield this weapon at all.
  • Two-Handed: If you are Large or larger, this property does not apply.
  This weapon requires attunement, but you cannot attune to it on your own. Instead, you have to communicate with the soul of Boneshatter first; if Boneshatter chooses to fight with you, the weapon immediately attunes to you. If you have one free attunement slot, Boneshatter's Battle Axe will fill it, otherwise he will forcefully end your attunement to one magic item of his choice first. You cannot voluntarily un-attune to Boneshatter, though Boneshatter can choose to end the attunement himself.   Boneshatter has three forms. When first attuned, Boneshatter will appear in its Dormant form. After meeting certain conditions set by Boneshatter, the weapon can transform into its Awakened form, and then again into its Unchained form.   In its Dormant form, Boneshatter gives you the following benefits:   You gain a +1 on all attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.   In addition, Boneshatter can hold up to 5 charges; one is replenished each day at dawn or whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, but unspent charges from the day before are lost at dawn. Each time you make a melee weapon attack, by shouting the command word, "CRUSH," you can expend one charge to ignore the Heavy property of this weapon and deal 1d8 extra magical slashing damage on a hit until the start of your next turn.   In its Awakened form, Boneshatter gives you the following benefits:   The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2, the maximum number of charges increases to 10, and the damage done by expending a charge increases to 2d8. You now recover two charges at dawn or whenever you kill an enemy. Additionally, when you hit with an attack, the target creature must make a DC18 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone.   And in its Unchained form, Boneshatter gives you the following benefits.   The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3, the damage done by expending a charge increases to 4d8, and the DC to resist getting knocked prone increases to 22.   Finally, when you expend a charge on your turn, pick a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you; you instantly fly in a straight line to an unoccupied space within five feet of that creature. You then must take the attack action, targeting only the chosen creature with that attack roll. This flight does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
14 lbs.


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