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This page is for the combined pantheon of the Astral Sky. For more details on each pantheon and its members, see their specific pages.   Creator Trio   Primordial Titans   Abstract Ones
  • The Choir (Thousands of spirits that sing life into existence)
  • The Nine Voyagers (A collection of nine spirits that escort people into the afterlife)
  • The Orator (A disembodied voice that constantly speaks of all things in the universe)
  The Five Kings
  • Brytune, Lady of Fire
  • Widbus, Lord of Wind
  • Thodoon, Lord of Lightning
  • Lotdur, Lord of Earth
  • Ganja, Lady of Water
  The Five Princes
  • Azerin, Prince of The Furnace (Fire/Air)
  • Loros, Prince of The Generator (Air/Lightning)
  • Idon, Prince of The Circuit (Lightning/Earth)
  • Donone, Prince of The Resource (Earth/Water)
  • Suveyar, Prince of The Industry (Water/Fire)
  Sons of the Spider
  • The Rat
  • The Scorpion
  • The Bat
Religious, Pantheon

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