105: Piercing the Veil

General Summary

Leaving Arcani with the three vessels, the initial passage through the veil fog is an unceremonious topic, the waters on the other side maintain that oceanic blue so strongly associated with waters everywhere, and the currents underneath it follow their own method, although navigation of these currents notes that that neither inside nor outside the veil connect to the other. Without knowledge or direction, the members of this attempt resign themselves to the dull nature of maritine travel.   Whilst these large vehicles accomodated a large number of people, this meant that the daily tasks were monotonous and tiresome. From cleaning the hold and hunting the rats and various creatures infesting it, to hunting to the food to ensure their supplies would last all the longer and to provide meals more interesting and tasteful than tacky lobscouse. to the hourly work of maintaining the sails and the ropes of the ship.   In a way, it could be said that because of this constant work however, two days passed quickly - the third day however would bear with it an unpleasant surprise for underneath the vessels a dangerous trap has lurked - for undead have long haunted the sea, and by planting totemic watchers in her depths, it becomes instantly more accessible to not only find, but hunt vessels of these waters, and the more hunted allows the undead responsible to both bolster their strength and network of spies, a method which has allowed the unliving unafraid creatures to doubtlessly prowl this area for countless years.   After drawing the attention of these scavengers, the three ships are beset upon by vessels captained and manned by undead. Twice their size and composing of six ships in total, these skeletal ships relentlessly attacked the Arcani fleet, however - more powerful than these undead is the force of the weather itself. Controlled by an unknown force, as the Arcani forces fought off their boarders the sky tore open and rained heavily with great howling winds that could tear the sails to shreds with pure cutting force.   Even as the storm raged however, the brave adventurers would continue their defence and relation against the undead; Theodore firing and supporting his crewmates atop the the Storm Bird from which they fought atop of. Whilst Tsuki Yoru and Aiko would follow through with decisive strikes directly against the leadership of the opposing vessel. With a lich as their leader, the two of them would battle and attempt to undo him. Even as he sought to undo them in turn.   In the midst of this chaos however, with ingenuity in her approach, Vi^3 burrowed a way into the Captain's quarters by grace of her cannon shot and slipt her way inside, wresting away the maps it had once contained which would doubtleslly later provide useful charter and direction for her and others to follow.   Unrelenting however, the atmospheric assault only intensified with rebellious passion, untamable by any creature whose passion was the storm, it was akin to a great god of the sea cupping the Arcani vessels in his palm and then throwing them with utmost violence. Doubtless, resisting threats like this were for the specific design of which the Valaistus had been constructed,   Being torn by the wind, the Storm Bird was gradually separated from skeletal ship that had attempted to board it. With it's leaking holes, it was only a matter of time before it would be lost, and along with it, Vi^3 herself who had attempted to break into a chest of the captain's belongings. With the storm further intensifying, she had to attempt to run to catch up with the Storm Bird, yet with it being pulled away she could only leap to catch it, but with the rising and falling waves, all she was the open water underneath.   A watery grave assuredly would have awaited her if it weren't for the manipulation of space pulled by Aiko who leapt and saved her companion before she could be claimed by the ocean's depths back onto the relative safety of the vessel.   In truth however, it was "relative" in the best of terms. The vessel being no artifact by nature would be pulled by the tempest itself and then slammed against an island's shoals and shore, the jagged rocks gutting and gorging the ships as they were slammed against them as they made suddenly and unwanted landfall.   In truth however, this would shortly prove to be a blessing; for as soon as the storm had come, even faster did it disappear. The clouds evaporating before even the final raindrop had struck the ground. The wind disappearing before even the remnant rumble of a lightningbolt had faded. With such supernatural occurrences, it was clear to these survivors that whatever happened was no mere inconvenience of natural weather.   As the weather and tearing of the ships had temporarily rendered even the most hardiest of sailors unconscious, it was a matter of fortune based on their recovery. For most adventurers, they had found some amount of safety through a variety of methods whether it had been life-ropes tied to masts or fortunate falling into floating barrels of fish.   There were others with lesser fortune however, with an evaluation performed amidst the crew, the following was determined: Of the Unfetted Heron Captained by Leiutenant Vyressa,
--6 Ship's crew
--Mister Cleveland
--Leiutenant Vyressa
    of the Stormbird captained by Richard Headd
--8 Ship's crew
--Cooksmaster Stoat
  of the vessel Captined by Duchess Yukika Yaesano
--8 Ship's crew   For the remainder however, it became of greater importance to set up a shelter and protect what they had, before the could then recover what they had lost.
Report Date
23 Mar 2024
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