126: Dead and buried

General Summary

The Mission
Originating from the northern lands of the shattered kingdoms, Serena Frostfel's lineage could be traced back to a demiplane crypt within Betoros. This site, once a resting place for the dead, now held restless spirits disturbed by the crypt's latent energies. The adventurers charged to venture into its depths to face mighty magics and powerful foes.  
Encounters in the Crypt
Though they found no immediate threat of grave consequence, the adventurers encountered numerous formidable foes within the crypt. Through effective teamwork, they managed to return the restless dead to their eternal rest, sparing them from the torment of endless unrest. Their journey was marked by battles with powerful adversaries, each overcome through their combined skills and unwavering determination.  
Discovery of Relics
Deep within the tomb, the adventurers discovered relics from a bygone age. These ancient artifacts were once used by Serena and her fellows to enhance the Borealis Generator. The relics held the key to unlocking a demiplane where they could evaluate the effectiveness of the generator and study the impact of the everstorm.  
The exploration of the crypt of Betoros was a testament to the adventurers' bravery and teamwork. They restored peace to the restless dead, discovered invaluable relics, and paved the way for further advancements in their battle against the everstorm. Their journey into the crypt will be remembered as a crucial step in their ongoing quest to harness the power of the Borealis Generator and protect the future Northern Expedition from the looming threat of the everstorm.
Report Date
31 Jul 2024
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