General Summary

Kenrith's Origin and Escape
Kenrith's story begins with his creation as a clone, the 13th in a line, born from a seed containing the power of Demon Lord Bescones and an Elven Maiden. Discovering his fate as a mere tool for his father's power, Kenrith escapes the domain, only to be recaptured later after his unintentional death. Demon Lord Bescones begins cleansing Kenrith of material plane impurities, a process taking several days, during which adventurers plan to rescue him.
Merisa's Capture
As Merisa looks into her lost comrade, she is kidnapped by Kuro, one of Bescones' agents and Kenrith's cloned brother, 14th in the line. This event occurs in a library located in Arcadis with Kuro knocking Merisa unconscious and bringing her to the Abyss, where she is then cloned by Bescones to be used as a pawn to manipulate Merisa's fellow adventurers and lure them into Bescones' trap.  
Adventurers' Involvement
While Demon Lord Bescones turns his attention to the material plane, sending agents like Kuro and a cult leader to investigate, the adventurers guided by Aiko and Solaria, venture into the Abyss and follow the energy trail left by Kenrith's soul.  
Encounters in the Abyss
The adventurers encounter various denizens of the Abyss, including three night hags, four salamanders, whilst avoiding a devious merchant. Solaria wanders and interacts with the denizens, while the others watch, but do not disturb the night hags' gruesome game for their and focus is to reach Bescones' castle and rescue Kenrith.  
Reaching the Black Tower
No demon lord would allow his most powerful structures to be easily accessed, and thus he had surrounded his fortress with a moat of all-consuming lava, and banished the ability to fly from all creatures who might pass it. Thus requiring a specific key for passage with the key being held by the merchant. Merisa's clone, displaying her ingenuity, instead thought to create an illusionary key to trick the machine guarding the Tower. Allowing them passage across the moat as it ferried them to the great the colorless, morose structure of Kenrith's childhood.  
Confrontation and Rescue
Inside the Tower, the adventurers face mercenary guards, having been hired by Besocnes in order to allow the adventurers to believe they were on the right path the mercenaries have no especial loyalty to the demon lord, and thus, through the clever use coin and guile to bypass them the adventures head further into the tower. Though Contrarily to Bescones' expectations, in their explorations they elect to ascend to the top of the Tower instead of heading to the basement, where the demon lord's trap awaited.  
The Top of The Tower
Climbing the stairway, the adventurers would find themselves at the top of the dull tower. Hearing the sounds of intense magical energies, they would open the door to discover underneath glowing lights - the tense and strained body of Kenrith, whom had been undergoing the process to purify him of the taint of the material plane, lest his effectiveness as a battery be reduced from the inconsistencies.  
Final Battle
Bescones, anticipating potential disruptions, had made a deal with a rival Demon Lord to guard Kenrith. Having offered up valuable resources in return for safely "protecting" his child from outside interference. With such an easy task that was near impossible to fail, the opposing demon lord had no issue with issuing his finest general to guard the tiefling, and was thus baited into a trap.   The azure agents of this demon lord would fight against the adventurers, attempting to fell what they thought would be easy prey, only to discover that their prey had teeth. Thus resulting in the death of a rift dragon brood mother, and the "capture" of one of his generals whom would suffer a fate worse than death.   With these enemies felled and Kenrith now freed, they quickly sought to escape the black tower before the full force of Besocnes could be arraigned against them. Fleeing from the site, and escaping back into the material plane. Yet, whilst Kenrith planned for his inevitable return to pay back his father for his sins; Besocnes too, stared at the prisoner he had claimed from amongst them, and plotted on just how to use his newfound tools.
Report Date
04 Aug 2024
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