General Summary

The adventurers embarked on their mission to expand the reach of the Borealis generator. Their goal was to clear and secure the two undiscovered hexes at the edge of its range. During their journey, they came across a vast, icy plain dotted with holes, indicating a network of caves beneath the surface. This area was highly hostile, with numerous creatures emerging from the holes to attack.  
The Ice River
One significant obstacle was a river of ice that acted as a deadly barrier. It blocked flight and dragged anyone attempting to cross into its freezing depths, draining their life and essence. Even the native creatures avoided the river, as demonstrated when one accidentally fell in, having been weakened by the constant barrage of Grom’s magic.   Delayed by this, the party required some time to determine what they must do, and with Sandrah providing support and acting with Grom to distract and delay the creatures, preventing them from being able to freely hammer the ship with their volleys of rock.   Ultimately, the party decided to force their way across. Rejoining with Grom upon his vessel, and using falling momentum of the Waveskimmer to create speed and launch it across the river, successfully evading further troubles.  
Factory of Flesh
After crossing the river, the adventurers discovered the source of the hostile creatures: a "factory of flesh." This creature could learn the composition of whatever it devoured and recreate it as tools and soldiers. The party needed to act quickly to avoid being overwhelmed by the creature's endless production capabilities.   With Gleam using her magics to create a false set of eyes, she allowed the party to see inside the den, providing spotting to Lynette whom unleashed an endless barrage of shots to break down and wear out the creature. Which, despite its incredible durability, could not withstand the relentless assault and eventually succumbed to the gathered wounds. .  
Having successfully slain the creature, the adventurers ensured a modicum of safety in the area. The most dangerous element was eliminated, allowing other adventuring operations and the construction of the Borealis relay to proceed safely. This victory not only secured the area but also paved the way for further progress in their mission to expand the reach of the Borealis generator.
Report Date
07 Aug 2024
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