
The Fetid Rot Apestare

Apestare The Fetid Rot Titles: Lord of Disease, The Fetid Rot Alignment: Chaotic Evil Areas of Concern: Disease, Infection, Decay Domains: Chaos, Evil, Death, Destruction Subdomains: Plague, Pestilence, Corruption, Ruin Favored Weapon: Sickle Symbol: A decaying rat skull surrounded by flies Sacred Animal: Rat Sacred Colors: Green and Brown   Description Apestare, the Fetid Rot, is a demon lord known for his mastery over disease and infection. He appears as a giant horned rat, his fur matted and his body covered in sores and boils. His twitchy, paranoid nature makes him unpredictable and dangerous.   Worshipers Apestare's followers are spreaders of disease, ranging from lazy, corpulent carriers of infection to crazed scientists experimenting with new plagues. They are granted abilities to stunt healing spells and make diseases more contagious, ensuring the spread of decay and pestilence.   Obedience Spend an hour wallowing in filth or spreading disease. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against disease and on Heal checks to diagnose or treat diseases.   Boons Evangelist   Contagious Touch (Sp): Contagion 3/day, curse of the putrid husk 2/day, or plague carrier 1/day. Pestilent Aura (Su): You exude an aura of disease. Creatures within 10 feet of you take a -2 penalty on saving throws against disease and poison effects. Master of Plagues (Sp): Once per day, you can cast epidemic as a spell-like ability. The save DC for this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier. Exalted   Infectious Presence (Su): You can cause any disease you are infected with to become airborne. Creatures within 30 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save or contract the disease. Healing Inhibition (Su): You can suppress the effects of healing spells within a 20-foot radius. Any healing spell cast in this area only heals half the normal amount. Virulent Curse (Sp): Once per day, you can cast greater contagion as a spell-like ability. The save DC for this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier. Sentinel   Aura of Decay (Su): You can create an aura that accelerates decay. Objects and creatures within 30 feet take a -2 penalty on all saving throws and gain the sickened condition. Unyielding Infection (Ex): You gain a +4 profane bonus to your Constitution score for the purposes of resisting disease and poison effects. Pestilential Transformation (Sp): Once per day, you can cast plague storm as a spell-like ability. The save DC for this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier. Appearance Apestare appears as a grotesque, giant rat with prominent horns curving from his skull. His eyes are beady and filled with madness, and his body is a mass of diseased, rotting flesh. Flies and vermin constantly swarm around him, feeding on the filth and decay he exudes.   Divine Servitors Apestare is served by a variety of fiendish creatures who thrive on disease and decay, including:   Rotswarm: A swarm of fiendish dire rats, each carrying multiple virulent diseases. Morbax: A fiendish otyugh that revels in filth and spreads contamination wherever it goes. Blightfang: A demonic rat king that can control and spread disease through its vast network of lesser rats. Temples and Shrines Temples dedicated to Apestare are hidden in sewers, caves, and other places of filth and decay. His shrines are often surrounded by the corpses of plague victims, with altars covered in rotting offerings to the Lord of Disease.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Apestare appears as a grotesque, giant rat with prominent horns curving from his skull. His eyes are beady and filled with madness, and his body is a mass of diseased, rotting flesh. Flies and vermin constantly swarm around him, feeding on the filth and decay he exudes.