Calista Kementerix

Calista was born well in a minor noble house in Kultor Castle Town, to a family which had no lands of their own but worked in the service of a Lord attending his lands. Youngest of 4, her intellect showed much promise but opportunities for her were limited in her family's current role. As a thankyou for a huge personal favor her father did for his Lord, one of her brother's was invited to squire for a Dragon Knight, and she was invited to apprentice to a magister in Sedon.
Life in Sedon was tough for her early as she was mostly relegated to testing her master's experiments and tending his menagerie of exotic animals. But after more than 2 years under his wing, he finally took her on a tour of Betoros and began to teach her proper. Nearly a decade later, she has stepped out from under her mentor and is ready to imake an impression on her own.
She has learned how to contact a great many entities beyond the Veil and even some from across the stars. She seeks now to ascend her name to a level beyond what her parents ever could have hoped for their 4th born, and to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, exploiting the power its denizens might offer her.