Cinnamon S. Ugar

Cinnamon S. Ugar

In the realm where valor and beauty intertwine, Cinnamon stands as a beacon of Shelyn’s grace. Her copper scales are canvases upon which the goddess paints the virtues of love and art, each a testament to the divine splendor that guides her path. As a Wyrmtouched, her draconic heritage whispers of ancient power, while her heart beats in harmony with the Eternal Rose’s song. A Mutagenic Brute, she wields her transformative might with the finesse of a master artist, sculpting victory from the chaos of battle. And as a Disciple of Sanctity, her every action is a brushstroke in the grand mural of life, her legacy a masterpiece of valor and sacrifice, forever echoing the celestial beauty of her divine muse.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cinnamon’s form is a harmonious blend of draconic might and divine artistry. Her stature, while compact, radiates an undeniable presence, each movement a testament to her strength and grace. In her Wyrmtouched visage, she carries the legacy of dragons, her muscles rippling with power, yet tempered by the elegance bestowed upon her by Shelyn’s touch.

Body Features

Her copper scales are like polished autumn leaves, catching the light with a warm, inviting glow. They are a shield of beauty, each one a small masterpiece, contributing to the protective tapestry that adorns her lithe form. Her wings, expansive and delicate, are a marvel to behold, with patterns that mimic the finest stained glass, reflecting the myriad colors of the world she safeguards.

Facial Features

Cinnamon’s face is a delicate balance of draconic heritage and the softness of her deity’s influence. Her emerald eyes, deep and expressive, are windows to a soul that has known both the joy of creation and the sorrow of sacrifice. Her snout, adorned with subtle markings, speaks of her noble lineage, and her smile, rare but genuine, is as heartwarming as the first rays of dawn.

Identifying Characteristics

The constellation of lighter scales beneath her wings is a celestial map, a gift from Shelyn, which glows with an ethereal light in the moon’s embrace. Her horns, gently curving like the new crescent, are not just a crown of her race but a symbol of her divine connection, resonating with the music of the spheres.

Physical quirks

When lost in thought, Cinnamon often taps a rhythm with her claws, a silent melody only she knows. Her tail, expressive as any artist’s brush, sways with her moods, curling in contemplation or lashing in rare moments of ire.

Apparel & Accessories

In adherence to her divine patron’s ethos, Cinnamon’s apparel is a blend of functionality and aesthetic. Her armor, though minimal, is a canvas for intricate designs, with roses and songbirds etched into the metalwork. Her accessories are few but meaningful: a simple pendant bearing Shelyn’s rose, a token of her unwavering devotion, and perhaps a scarf or sash of vibrant silk, a splash of color that dances with her every step.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cinnamon’s tale began in the Emerald Cradle, a grove kissed by the divine. As a Wyrmtouched, her life has been a dance under Shelyn’s gaze, each step a testament to the beauty and artistry she embodies. Her journey has been one of self-discovery, finding harmony in her draconic might and the softer whispers of her goddess.


Educated by the elders of her grove and the spirits of the wild, Cinnamon learned the ancient rites and the languages of the earth and sky. Her knowledge of the arcane is self-taught, gleaned from the whispers of the wind and the songs of the stars, a symphony of wisdom that guides her every action.


Cinnamon’s calling transcends mere employment; it is a divine duty, a sacred service to the world’s beauty and the arts. She serves as a guardian of the grove, a protector of the natural order, and a muse to those who seek to create and preserve the splendor of creation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her achievements are many, from the Great Repelling that saved her grove to the discovery of rare herbs that have healed and protected her community. Cinnamon’s life is a legacy of valor, her every deed a brushstroke in the grand mural of life, celebrated in songs and stories that echo through the ages.

Failures & Embarrassments

Even a hero of her stature knows the sting of failure. Cinnamon once misjudged her strength in her humanoid form, leading to unintended destruction—a moment that humbled her and taught her the delicate balance of power and grace.

Mental Trauma

The mental scars Cinnamon bears are hidden beneath her scales, remnants of the dark force that once threatened her grove. The battle left echoes of corruption in her mind, manifesting as nightmares that occasionally disturb her peaceful slumber.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cinnamon’s intellect is as vibrant as her scales, characterized by a keen analytical mind and a profound understanding of both the arcane and the divine. She possesses an innate curiosity that drives her to seek knowledge in all its forms, from the ancient texts of her grove to the whispered secrets of the wild.

Morality & Philosophy

Her morality is rooted in the teachings of Shelyn, where love and beauty are paramount. Cinnamon’s philosophy is one of non-violence and creation; she believes in resolving conflicts through diplomacy and art, and in the transformative power of beauty to heal and unite.


Cinnamon holds a deep aversion to destruction and ugliness, whether it be the scarring of the land or the marring of the soul. She shuns acts of cruelty and the creation of discord, as they are antithetical to the harmony she cherishes.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivation is twofold: to protect the beauty of the world and to inspire others to create and appreciate art in all its forms. Cinnamon strives to be a living example of Shelyn’s ideals, spreading love and compassion through her every deed.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cinnamon excels in matters of the arcane and the artistic, able to weave spells and create works of art with equal skill. However, she finds herself inept at understanding the allure of material wealth and the machinations of politics.

Likes & Dislikes

She delights in the creation of art, the serenity of nature, and the joy of harmonious living. Conversely, Cinnamon dislikes anything that desecrates beauty, whether it be through physical destruction or the sowing of strife.

Virtues & Personality perks

Among her virtues are patience, empathy, and a boundless capacity for love. As a perk of her divine favor, Cinnamon’s presence can soothe the troubled and inspire the downtrodden, her aura a gentle balm to those around her.

Vices & Personality flaws

Cinnamon’s primary vice is her fiery temper, which, while rare, can erupt with volcanic force when the beauty she cherishes is threatened. Her flaws include a tendency to be overly protective of her artistic creations, sometimes to the point of being possessive.

Personality Quirks

A distinctive quirk of hers is the gentle humming of hymns to Shelyn while she works, a subconscious tribute to her goddess. She also has a tic where her eyes momentarily glaze over with a silvery sheen when she’s deeply moved by beauty or art.


Despite her naturalistic lifestyle, Cinnamon maintains impeccable hygiene, using crystal-clear waters and fragrant herbs from her grove to cleanse herself, ensuring she is always presentable as a disciple of beauty.


Contacts & Relations

Cinnamon’s contacts span a network of artists, artisans, and fellow worshippers of Shelyn, as well as the creatures and spirits of the forest that she calls friends.

Religious Views

Her spirituality is deeply interwoven with her worship of Shelyn, seeing the divine in every stroke of the brush and every note of music, celebrating love and beauty as sacred gifts.

Social Aptitude

Cinnamon possesses a serene social grace, engaging with others through shared appreciation of art and beauty, and often serving as a mediator in conflicts.


Her mannerisms are graceful and deliberate, with a softness to her gestures that echoes the gentle nature of her deity.


Cinnamon speaks in a melodious tone, her words often laced with artistic references and poetic imagery, reflecting her deep connection to the aesthetic and the divine.

Wealth & Financial state

In adherence to her Oath of Absolute Poverty, Cinnamon possesses no material wealth. Her treasures are the knowledge she has acquired, the relationships she has fostered, and the natural beauty of her home.

Cinnamon is a copper-scaled True Dragon with a heart as vast as the cosmos, fiercely protective of the natural world and guided by the stars.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
A secluded and enchanted grove known as the Emerald Cradle, deep within the heart of the ancient forest of Wrinkle Town.
Current Residence
The Sapphire Sanctum, a hidden haven within the same forest, accessible only to those who know the secret paths of the grove.
Emerald Green
Leaf Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 4in
How Rude!