Death Fog


Deathfog appears as a dense, dark, and ominous cloud that hovers over specific areas. It has an otherworldly quality, with an eerie, greenish glow emanating from its depths. The cloud can be seen settling close to the ground, creating an immediate sense of danger and foreboding.  


The effects of Deathfog is the instant cessation of all life - living or unvliing, it's roiling nature seems trapped within naturally formed barriers, with lakes of it surrounding various areas, it is a natural wall that prevents the passage of living creatures, as even the air above it is often dead, making traversal through any form of flight all but impossible, as creatures end up falling into the deadly clouds.  

Flying Islands

A strange natural occurrance that is located in areas composed of death-fog are buoyant sky-islands, and the occasional floating cloud, two methods (one more temporary than the other) by which a creature can bypass or travel through areas of death fog. These sky islands appear to use some form of magnetism, which can be controlled remotely in order to manipulate the areas in which they appear.  

A grieving aftershock

Deathfog is but many of the unnatural phenomena found throughout the mainland, and has a historical note in being especially prevelant in areas where a local diety has recently died, although it may shrink given the passage of time. There are however, the rare hidden pockets which can trouble travelers who are moving faster than is for their own good.
Metaphysical, Supernatural