Devin Carsius

Devin "Vroom" Carsius

Devin has been a resident on the isle for awhile, usually keeping to the coast line cities where he can be close to his old home, the ocean. Not that he spends much time on it now, ever since the mainland began making progress he decided to pick up his sword and gun once more to spend his late life with adventure once again, potentially to write a book or two and get some fame under his belt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Devin was born sovereign on a ship out at sea, his ship of origin was harbored to Sedon more often than not. His life was mostly learning to sail, raid and smuggle where needed. and he was always kinda good at it, but his main talents were gathering ears to listen to a good story, confidence surging from him any time his boat was moored and he was tavern bound, the talented sailor/pirate would tell people of the things he'd see, or things hed make up, gigantic serpants larger than the isle itself, caves lined of gold, ruins guarded by legions of the undead! He could spring stories out of seemingly no where. But he could also recruit people to sail or for work effortlessly, Devin's biggest boon was his surging charisma that could get just about anyone on board.   Though he would spend many years pirating, eventually he would take his stories and tales of mistkae back to the docks of Sedon, telling them for a coin and a drink to anyone who was interested.
Astralaria PIrate
Astralrian Pirate
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pirate Astralaria
Pirating Astralaria
Astra Pirate Laria