
Basic Information


These creatures are very anatomically diverse - as originating from an aberration species, they vary heavily through many physical expressions, some appearing almost insectoid with chitinous plating whilst others have expressed themselves in more humanoid developments.   They tend to vary anywhere one to two paired sets of arms, and are often bipedal in their movement favoring humanoid-adjacent appearances.    

Genetics and Reproduction

Almost all evolyughs have a tail like extension which can vary heavily in length and is used in an intersex mating ritual. Those that don't are incapable of reproduction within the species.   Conception, gestation, and birth are both challenges for evolyughs, as most of their young tend to be inviable from every step - whether it is in conceptation, gestation or birth. Meaning that only one in ten children survive past the first month. Luckily for their continuiance, the actual gestation cycle is a rapid process that occurs within nine weeks of conception.   The likelihood of success is often able to be determined by the diet of the 'mother' as it results in a ravenous behavior in order to feed their growing young. if at any point during this period she fails to meet her dietary needs, or if her ravenous behavior stops, then there is a strong indicator that the process has failed.

Growth Rate & Stages

After birth, an Evolyughs traditionally have six age range states - however, many of them die early on as the requirements for them to progress to the next state grow increasingly harder for them to meet.


Lasting about a year, an evolyugh at birth is often kept in areas that restrict their physical expression, as they experience rapid growth and development within their bodies. often learning to walk within a matter of weeks, and communication within months as they are often capable of forming coherent and complete sentences at the nine month mark. The final three months are often spent with writing being taught along with forms of philosophy in order to challenge the development of their mind.   It is during this time, when their evolutionary aptitude is tested and determined, and resources allocated based on the potential promise and likelihood of them bringing benefit to the others.  


A period that lasts for four years, Evolyughs are given a mentor capable of guiding them along their assigned path - often sharing an evolutionary drawback as well to teach the young member of their society how to best manage their urges. in this state there is a strict regimen of training and development as the majority of Evolyughs do not live past this stage, and their benefit must promptly be maximized.  

Young Adult

A period that lasts for five years, these evolyughs are now well trained in their knowledges and are capable of exploring and going out into the field without direct supervision. They've become capable fighters in their own right and almost all have a defensive knowledge capable of fending off some of the more moderate threats in the mainland. As well as harnessed their control over their drawback to such a point where they can trigger off an evolutionary flashbang and sacrifice themselves in glory.  


Lasting for 10 years, this stage of age is a respected position for any evolyughs who have reached this state, for it has become a matter of luck only that they survived, as it is a nearly miraculous occasion for any to escape over the 10 year mark, with 90% of their brothers and sisters having died before this point. The remaining 10% are incredibly hardy, experienced, and guide the young with a firm hand.  


Lasting 15 years, these lonely Evolyughs are amongst the rarest of their kin. Having the weakest evolutionary triggers, they have the gift of time to seek out methods of progression, but in doing so have often lost most of their kin. Making them the strongest, most experienced, and most determined of their kin.  

Aged One

Lasting 20 years With an Aged one being an extremely rare occurrence, these evolyughs have surprisingly outlived their physical prowess, and have become withered, wizened and old. yet, this shouldn't be mistaken for them being a vulnerability, as their expanded wisdom often has developed supernatural effects on the world around them. Their knowledge of various techniques a deadly foe. A threat to other races - at least if more than one could be found in the evolyughs at a time.

Ecology and Habitats

Evolyughs are a derivitive species of Otyughs who have experienced an evolutionary rebirth - developing unique triggers which respond to certain situations and force a rapid development within the evolyugh itself, resulting in a massive disparity from entity to entity, whilst also making them an incredibly potent creature.   However, this potency comes at a cost - a heavenly judgement inflicted upon them when their strength outgrows their capabilities to control it. An out of control Evolyugh drawing a judgement from heaven and earth in such a destructive manner that the entity is irrevocably destroyed - and much of the terrain surrounding it.   Evolyughs practice a self-cultivation method capable of refining their control and self to the point where they are capable of resisting this judgement - or preventing it entirely, however as they age, so does their evolutionary capability, meaning that escaping judgement is only a matter of 'when' and never 'if'.   Internally, they rate these triggers as

Critical Risk (Dies at conception/infantilism)

The Experience
A hunger for new experiences dominates the mind of this Evolyugh, leading them to desperately search out new 'things' at every time. Unfortunately, a 3 month period even in gestation is too much for these ones, hopefully killing them early after conception or posing a severe risk of the death of the parent.
The Sight
A need for vision and a fear of blindness dominates this Evolyugh. similarly to the experience however, the period spent in the womb overtriggers this trait and over kills the mother.  

High Risk (Dies at juvenile)

The Devouring
an inecessant hunger devours at your good sense, and your stomach - with a need for consistant stream of rare nutrients your dietary concerns drive you further and further away from being in control, and often towards an early death.
The Noise
Your overtuned hearing gives you a sense of threat at every possible angle, the only way to escape your evolutionary drive is to be in pure silence, and such a thing is only a rare thing to find - especially in a society that can't have someone unable to contribute.  

Moderate Risk (Dies at young adult)

The Stillness
Your body has a hatred of paralysis or forced to stillness - consequently your momentum is hard to stop, but when it is any method of forcing an escape is taken, even at the expense of your limited lifespan.
The Silence
A lack of noise is your trigger - whenever held in complete silence where nothing moves or makes noise is a dreadful thing, it is the noise your body associates with death and something it will attempt to escape from.

Mild Risk (Dies at adult)

The Bleeding
Your wounds may heal at incredible rates, but any injury that results in a loss of blood hemorhages your lifespan. As you are one of the few who are likely to survive to being an adult, you are often put into lesser risk situations, where you may procreate and teach the younger generations.

Minimal Risk (Dies at Elder)

This ranking is held only as a hope and a dream of the Evolyugh people, the conditions for this trigger are not shared with outsiders, for fear of outsiders attempting to directly assault one of these members of their society.

Dietary Needs and Habits

panvore by nature, these creatures are capable of consuming even rocks and stones, although they find such sources often to be lacking in nutrients unless it's rare or contains it's own power source - both things which they're capable of extracting - even from the air itself provided it is dense enough.


The limited life span of these creatures results in a society extremely focused on results - as their constant consumption means that they often choose to go through periods of weal and wane - going through 'low' society periods where they stock up on resources, and then on 'high' society periods, all as guided by the writings within the core of their tower - writings they follow religious in their language, and something they keep sacred from all outsiders as it is a road map by which they guide themselves, and not something they'd willingly sever themselves from.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Evolved from creatures used to living in dark sewers, evolyugh commonly have Darkvision and a scent tracking sense so advanced, they're capable of using it as a form of blindsense by locating it's source. Certain evolyughs have developed magic or psionic sensitivity based on their diet.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution