
"The Fist of Gorum" Gabriel

"Was conscripted, stayed a soldier. Nothing else noteworthy"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the many whose backgrounds are poorly recorded, Gabriel is at his heart a warrior, carrying on the divine tenants of Gorum and spreading it back into the mainland with vehemence and violence, the only thing as distinct as his demonstration of his god's way is his hatred and rejection of all things magical, and his hopes for a world unafflicted by the consequence of the arcane.   But the world was sick, and it bled arcane energy all of the time, like an inecessent gaping wound, and as Gabriel fought against the horrors, he found that one more problem would rise from the ground. Following the events ending the Saltieunni War, Gabriel was amongst the warriors most responsible for unwinding the damaged wounds that had come from the slaying of the local diety. Partially, it was an attempt to find out better how permanently remove magic from the world, but it came with the added effect of preventing a great number of wounds from undoing his previous work.   Magical Phenomona was as butter to him as the knife. And Gabriel's work in the lands immediately north to the expedition site have resulted in pages of studies, as well as later - the ironic creation of the magefist organization - but Gabriel himself would not be around to take reasonable exception to their hypocrisy, as he himself would disappear five years following his initial forays into fixing the crisis of the north.   Though it is known that Gabriel had gone directly to the Saltieunni's decrepit capital, no knowledge of the creatures he had fought in his approach to the massive magical creature was carried back to the expedition site, and none know of what exactly the man had seen as he watched over the edge of the crater, and none could tell what had happened after this point.   The reason for this was simple, for Gabriel was often alone in his investigations as few could stand the magical contaminations and live. With the unfortunate result being that none could record exactly what he saw or witnessed in this time, nor could it be later divined due to the intensity of what had occured there, but all that can be found of Gabriel is his gauntlet and helmet. Thrown and crashing down into the Expedition site where it has been enshrined by an organization resulting from the study of his actions.   There is however, one man who knows slightly more. The iron king, knowing that this knight, and antimage did not die. That whatever terrors the man found, he knew that he might not return from, and had forsaken these items just as he forsook this plane; and whilst this king can't say for certain where Gabriel is, or what he is doing. Somewhere, out there. There is a place, in which a knight fights in a war against magic. Against foes whose threat would be as legendary as the tale this man has left behind.