
Jadetech is magitech; While under an antimagic field Jadetech is incapable of generating charges of energy and complex functions will often fail. Stored Energy charges can still be expended to power certain simple functions. While under an anti-tech field, jadetech is incapable of using stored energy charges.   In order to generate energy, Jadetech requires a persistent source of moving water to be pumped through the "veins" of the mineral, this water must be enriched with crystal shards in order to transmit and transfer energy, once having completed a successful cycle through the "veins" of the jadetech core, the motion cycle will cause it to "breathe" and exude magical energy similar to the original creature when it was alive, enriched and powering all the nearby crystals to which it is connected.   It is thought that this process is similar to the process of how the mainland creates "crystel essence" and that with the dragon's jade to act as a filter, the energy transacted is more refined as end-product, despite still siphoning off the natural imbalances which have occurred.


Jadetech is most commonly used in Arcadis, as a training tool and developmental tool to drive towards the future, but it is located in many sites throughout the continent of Lhamia as part of the relics left behind by the Elaine. For the currently discovered sites within the Northern Lhamia Continent, it is noted that jadetech devices have often integrated with the local fauna into pseudo-biological technological abominations, whilst all discovered jadetech creations in the southern Lhamian continent appear to be either insane, or flawed in such a fashion that resulted in the death of the original inhabitants.


Artificial Dragon's jade is produced by a similar process to crystal seeding, where a source piece of the jade is left in a specially curated "bath" which result in the material developing and growing along a similar structure to the source crystal, although deviations increase the larger the seed attempts to spread, meaning that only enough artificial jadetech can be harvested for small projects.   Creating a jadetech device is in the words of Yūshū Wae, "like creating a living creature" as the device requires the usage of crystal "veins" to pass the energy to the various aspects, which temper and release the energy often as controlled magical phenomona, similar to the way a scroll or a wand produce a magical effect, discharging stored energy from the device in order to produce an effect. it is challenging to break a system to which a Dragon's Jade core is connected to, as the crystalline structures will often start to notably fuse together within days of usage. This event is one of the most telling aspects of a successful jadetech creation, as the efficiency of the device can be measured by the time it takes until fusion occurs, with inefficient devices taking longer to fuse, and failed devices being unable to fuse at all.
Access & Availability
The core component required for the functionality of Jadetech is known as Dragon's Jade, a mineral that is only naturally produced when the corpse of an ancient dragon wyrm decays underground. Thus it requires certain specific conditions to be met - such as the body being buried underneath the earth, with presure sufficient to condense the natural formations within the body. Without this jadelike material, jadetech devices cannot produce a sufficient amount of energy.   There is a process for creating artifically seeded cores, by emulating the various environmental components for which jadetech can e found, however this requires a seeding jadetech crystal in order to be produced, with only the original being acceptable for this process as using artifically grown jadetech for the seed results in excessive amounts of deviation to occur and further reduces the functionality of the finished product.   as reactors grow in size, Artificial jadetech becomes exponentially less efficient and suffers extreme size limitations as compared to Origin jadetech whose primary limitation is managing the energy generatored by the reactor, as it must receive a steady supply of water, and be cooled sufficiently, as whilst once heated jadetech produceses reactions faster, there is a point of criticality which induces a melt-down within the material and results in a violent explosion of magical energy.   Thus, due to the rarity of Origin Dragon's jade, it is rare to see any jadetech project on a massive scale.
As magitech, jadetech is capable of emulating anywhere from the most basic tiers of magic and golemancy, towards hugely complex devices which persistently manipulate the weather, or have a flexible control over levitating massive islands and moving them even in areas where magic should render this process impossible. The creative applications of this technology are often only limited by the mind of the inventor, and the amount of origin jade available to them.
The original discovery of jadetech was found by The Baron, Sorrel, Rodrick Blackcrag, Yūshū Wae, and Adan Necrima, though the one to truly delve into the research of the material was Yūshū Wae. Who would aly the groundwork and basic understanding of the material amongst those from Betoros.