Kāya Mayu

The Mystran Spark Kāya Mayu

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of Vai Śeṣika Mayu and an otherworldly king. Kāya's love of magic began at a young age, when she discovered her innate connection to Mystra and The Weave. As a child, she joined the church of Mystra. From that moment on, she was fascinated by the magical world and spent all her free time studying and practicing spells and incantations.   As she grew older, Kāya's natural talent for magic and her insatiable curiosity led her to seek out more advanced magical training. She applied to and was accepted at the prestigious Wae Academy, where she excelled in her studies and quickly gained a reputation as a top student.   Despite her confidence and intelligence, Kāya struggled with anxiety and perfectionism at times, feeling pressure to always be the best and live up to others' expectations. She worked hard to overcome these challenges and used her empathetic and compassionate nature to help support and encourage her fellow students.   In her free time, Kāya enjoyed spending time with her friends and practicing magic tricks and illusions. She was also an avid reader, devouring every magical text she could get her hands on in her quest to learn as much as possible about the magical world. As she approached graduation, Kāya was excited for the opportunity to put her skills and knowledge to the test in the real world, and she looked forward to making a positive impact as a wizard.   Following her training in the Wae Academy Kāya returned to the mainland and though there was a transitory shock she experienced in going back to her ancestral homeland; she took to the environment like a fish to water. Quickly refamiliarziing herself with the church of Mystra there and joining in as a acolyte, though her talents far exceeded this level of study and would result in a rapid growth through the ranks.   This does not mean that her time was purely political however, as she learned extensively about the leyline nexii she was given access to, including the study of one of the derelect temples which was uncovered by explorers. However, sometime during her studies, she would uncover a link of energy with a massive conjuration signature. Curious, and willing to explore it, she would hijack it and follow along.   However, this would result in her being ambushed by a khatikoi queen and it's spawn, shortly subsumed into the alter-reality and into an alternate self - a child nomad of the winter wastes. And whilst for many; this would be the end, save for the strange occurrance she experienced whilst there. as a young eskimo, she suffered visions of the future from a young age, allowing her to view her own death, as well as others. Which - despite her living in the northern wastes, meant that she survived numerous events which should have killed her.   Accidentally discovering the power of magic, Nāya would study the world around her. Gradually refiining her skills, talents, and understanding as she grew, though, a phenomona known to her people as the "everstorm" continued to consume the available land around them. Leaving areas of magical wasteland, and blighted lands as it traveled. Only occasionally held off by strange artifacts which would sustain survivors until the storm would passed.   During this time, Nāya would discover that the world in fact had a beating heart, and it appeared to be "wounded", seeping great amounts of magic, which would build up and feed the everstorm and then ravage the land. Whilst she lacked the skills or talents to heal these wounds, she became quite good at recognizing their fluxuations, and then shepherding others away from them.   However, things would grow more complicated with the passing of time, as the storms grew worse and magical creatures manifested from their bowels and rampaged, causing death and suffering, and although Nāya's power as a mage had become formidable indeed, she was limited in scope, and the worsening conditions couldn't help but ravage her and her people eventually resulting in a state where they were near to on a permanent march in order to run away.   Yet, inescapable seemed the hounds of death that followed her, and as Nāya was forced to commit to a great stand against the storm and her foes, the sky darkened and rained piercing needles of arcana. Creating a battlefield in which the lives of she and her tribe flickered like a dying spark.   Yet, despite the hopelessness of the situation, Nāya was willing to fight to her last breath, and use every ounce of energy she had, burning her magical and physical reserves both, until she became gaunt as a skeleton, and though her bravery had cratered many foes, it would seem that she and her tribe would be swept away.   At least until the storm broke with the thunder crack of a volley of arrows swept across the battlefield, smashing into the creatures and opening the vault of the sky itself. arriving now upon wings of metal, was a figure Nāya had never heard of - or seen until this point. A four-armed king dressed in knightly armor with two massive bows radiating powerful combative energies.   Turning to Nāya, the man looked at her for a moment, before a sense of surprise crossed his body language. a softspoken, but elegant voice that resonated to her with a sense of familiar unfamiliarity filling her ears. "You... you don't belong here." was what was said to her - suddenly, Nāya felt her skin buzz and mind race.   "I don't belong here." the realization struck her to the core. Suddenly she felt a strange sense inside her. A tugging feeling as she felt her mouth open and fill with a scream. Soundless though, she could only clutch at her throat as she started to flail in a sense of asphyxiation and sensory deprivation.   Sensing her panic, the figure would approach her and kneel to her. placing her bows on his back as he stabilized the woman. Placing a thumb on her forehead and holding her with his remaining arms. His voice calm and powerful as he spoke again and coached her. "You're Kāya, right? Relax. You've been manipulating the weave long enough. You know what to do."   Kāya, Nāya's brain grasped onto the name. Latching onto it, she felt something at her fingertips. her body couldn't move, nor could her throat, but she went reaching for something beyond the physical, and then gripped at it. Pulled on it with all of her might and then---   Kāya woke up, screaming in an explosion of light and sound, she erupted and expressed the full force of her energy. Shattering the earth and air around her, as she awoke. spending only a moment, before finding the thread that had pulled her here so long ago, and pulling herself back to the nexus close to Treddleton, purely on instinct and as a gut reaction.   A necessary combination as she would promptly lose conscious as her mind attempted to reconcile the events of her now twinned lives experienced as herself, Kāya, and not Kāya - Nāya. an ironic experience, given the history of her mother.   Eventually recovered by treddletonion scouts, Kāya would enter a comatose slumber for a number of months, and though she would eventually awaken, it took her time to recover mentally from the traumatic experiences she had undergone, and process the radiant symbol of Mystra upon her forehead, marking her as one of her goddess's chosen.   The city of rest for her however, was not Treddleton, but instead Arcadis; as whilst far away from the care and comfort of her family. The city's dual fascinationg with technology and esoterica made it an excellent place for her to comfortably recover, and transition into acting as a liason of Mystra for the city.   It is said, in more recent years, she can be found often working with Serena Frostfel and Suzy Klaiminora-Wae on a shared project between them. Sharing her memories of her experiences in the north, as much as her talents in the arcane to explore whatever as-yet-unrevealed topics which they now explore.
Current Status
Performing research in Arcadis
Current Residence
White, Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation