Katsuko Ageka

"The Shadow Broker" Katsuko Ageka

Born a daughter of an organization founded primarily in shadows, Katsuko was raised to become a manipulator and master of darkness, but fate was her choice, and as she saw deeper into the shadows, she began to see into the hearts of others, and what she found there gave her a purpose. Where her mother had sought the corruption of others, there was something Katsuko began to deeply enjoy about growing what goodness people had sought to hide, even from themselves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Katsuko Is the biproduct of a kitsune and munavri Union, even moreso between two who had strong links to the plane of shadows, Her very being flows with darkness and fey magic, a residual of when her mother was still true kitsune . Though with neither of her parents being super adept in the using of magic she came out with quite the knack for magic. Though perhaps not to the same degree as a powerful mage. She was pushed to hone her ability for magic over honing the same skills for cloning and espionage that her mother honed.   True to the nature of such a figure, her history is well hidden from the books. Whilst it is known that she joined her mother's organization, with one exception, the only times where this is demonstrated comes as consequence of her socialite parties and events hosted by her, conversations enchanting various nobles as she would dance among them.   Becoming a problem of consequence however, was that rather than indulging in corruption or sickness, her parties were favored by those who enjoyed more... fair platitudes, gardens and drinks, things of creative expression. Thus, resulting in connections being formed by those who would ordinarily despise her type of person.   Yet, she met to extraordinary success, creating allegiances, and finding friendships. This behavior would continue for some years until she would one day receive notoriety as a member of the Shadows in Sedon, hunted by the queen and her agent's for a betrayal to the royal crown.   This notority would be short lived; the royal warrant would be withdrawn within a week, and the events and reason why would be quickly censored and redacted, hiding the knowledge away and leaving many to question why such a volatile response had occurred and then disappeared.   To receive such aggression and then have it redacted just as thoroughly would surely leave her history bespotted with an indelible mark of infamy, yet to the surprise of her fellows, she would find her place amongst those who provided Counsel to the queen herself. A matter made infinitely more curious by the change in the behavior of the organization which she was believed to have been associated with.
Current Status
Leading her Organization
Blue / Red
White, Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation