
Loki was a guard at a place he couldnt remember for an amount of time he didnt really care to. Though while he didnt remember the faces or the place, he did remember the incident that made him quit, suprisingly vividly though not how long itts been since. He had been basically put through hazing albeit a little late into the process as it was forgotten like many things, (harrassment of the new kid.) and the assignment was to be a temporary diplomat, Read: "Hostage" of a Local red dragon that they were aquainted with. With a bit of a "warning" he had been sent off with no particular objective other than not piss the dragon off. Most had run away from this, and he should have, though he wasnt exactly smart enough to understand that at that moment. He was expecting was a beast, and he had been correct, but it was only partially. Much of his time was spent entertaining the dragon, Which he found out in the most embarrasing manner was a she, via the most embarrasing things he remembers doing, like crossdressing and pole dancing. It hardened him a bit, but only a little, and she revealed to our tin man that he had been played a fool by his comrades. On the day before his leave she had offered him a simple gift, though what said gift was he couldnt remember either, as he had woken up on a cart returning to his original place of work with his entire lower half crushed. Nobody would explain what happened, so eventually the frusteration and his patience boiled over and he left. For some reason he keeps hearing rumors that sound familiar, but they couldnt be about him, because nobody real could possibly have such a nickname.