Lucille Andreja Silviette Noscious

Lucille Andreja Silviette Noscious (a.k.a. The Tainted)

Born as one of the many many offspring of the quasi-deity Yiv'ough'lu in the shrine of the mother, Lucille was part of a set of Twins with her brother Lucius both of whom carried more of their parents angelic spark, granting them more "normal" appearances than their monstrous siblings, Though twins they were born with stark differences, Lucille has a frail body but a high capacity for magic, so much so that it's become second nature to her to be able to manipulate minds and the flow of time around her, in her adult years she along with her brother left the shrine to travel to betoros to make names for themselves in their own ways. Her choice of fame being that of nobility seeing as her family surname already holds a semblance of it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lucille is meek and lithe, her body almost malnourished looking in some aspects when not under aspects of magic to make it more appealing.

Body Features

Lucilles body is nigh flawless, skin unmarred by battle or tribulation.

Facial Features

Lucilles face is properly symmetrical and [as far as she views] the peak of how a womans face should look, with unblemished skin, a fine roundness but not overly round jawline and properly plush lips

Identifying Characteristics

Lucille has three major features that stand her out from others 1: Her eyes bear unusual pupils shaped like red crosses that extend out past the iris 2: Her hands are black, all the way up to her forearms with long almost claw like nails 3: Her hair is ever long and unfettered, with a snowy white coloration and long black streaks through it.

Apparel & Accessories

Lucille favors high class clothing and accessories, from expensive blouses and dresses to jewel encrusted rings, brooches and bangles. In the privacy of those she trusts wont give her a bad name this shifts ever so slightly to more sultry and less modest clothing as her heritage leaves her feeling uncomfortable when highly covered.


Family Ties

Yiv'ough'lu[Mother]   Lucius Olivier Caldris Noscious [Twin Brother]

Average height woman of high beauty and natural charisma with a confident step and a sultry tone, with a deep seated desire for power and carnal satisfaction.

View Character Profile
Lawful neutral with a hard Evil Lean
25 years old
Date of Birth
Shrine of the Mother
Current Residence
A manor in Goburg
Black with red crosses
White with black streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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