Mirana "Asheal" Vibraeus

Mirana had been born with celestial blood already within her, but as she grew up she gradually became more reserved, despite being quite well liked by the community. Noticing this, her parents wanted her to get out more, so they looked into religion to get her to know more people. Of all of them though, she was drawn to a select group of monks that all worshipped Korada, and she had been quite curious about the teachings. She soon followed their teachings and would carry them for essentially the rest of her life. She then grew to her teenage years and began to truly follow the teachings, meditating and praying daily, trying to get some sort of connection, a sign, anything. But it would only come in a rather bizarre way. Someone had been injured, and in a dire state, and in that very moment is when she first felt it within her: the desire to help others. And this was the first time she ever channeled the healing energies to then heal the injury. The person had thanked her, and then she went back to meditate, which is when she felt it again. She was getting closer to being able to potentially commune with Korada. Though she was then given the directives of what to do next. She was to set out, and help as many as she can, protecting those that she can. Soon after leaving, she sought to chase after an angelic form for herself, and giving herself the name "Asheal", to which she would now refer to herself by. She intends for this name to carry her especially to when she gets the angelic form she desires. All while staying faithful and loyal to Korada, in hopes that she can meet him face to face.