Miyako Yaesano

"The Lady of Ink and Shadow" Miyako Yaesano

Under normal circumstances Miyako's birth would have been at best impossible and at worst a tragedy, her mother having just toed the line of arcane instability which was assured to be passed on to any of her offspring. Thankfully, clan Yaesano was very much about committing acts most impossible and unusual, and more thankful so Miyuki wasn't the first member of the family to have this issue even if she was perhaps the most severe case. A ritual combining elements of transmutation, evocation and a healthy dose of 'blue' magic from the forbidden section of the library, all that was needed was a vial of blood from a particularly strong spellcaster far enough removed from the Yaesano bloodline to both impregnate Miyuki and ensure and effective reset of any troublesome magical issues they might pass on.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When one hears; "purposefully born to a prestigious family with questionable moral and magical leanings" it should be a given that one also hears "fucked up childhood." though Miyako's more refined bloodline allowed her to avoid any disastrous magical consequences, it was easily understood that she was under an intensive pressure from the moment she was born.   "Be the first." to walk, to talk; Miyako was trained and pressured to emulate the pinnacle prowess of her bloodline. Due to magic and sword-arts she was constantly refined only finding a small modicum in freedom during her adventuring days in which she was finally able to have her own opportunities to discern who she wanted to be and what decisions she'd like to make.   To the adventurers she traveled with, many would find the daughter of the Yaesano bloodline to be demure, cold and calculating. Her ladyship responded moderately when respect was given in the communication, and creatively when performining punitive actions unto those who she felt had wronged her. Handling situations with a graceful professionalism as very little could phase her.   It was in this way that her skills were refined, and she transitioned to more responsible duties within the Yaesano clan - where those who once guided her were now hers to order. Yet, she was far from a vengeful leader; understanding what they had sacrificed in turn to aide her earned them some mercy as with her mother's help she consolidated her grip upon the family.   To this point, the Yaesano family had been known in Arcani for it's evocationary skills and it's assertive attitude as it came to politics and battlefields, Miyako herself however was uniquely talented in the field of espionage. As talented in manipulating shadows as she was people, it was almost naturally that she found herself building her own web of information.   There were of course many cobwebs in Arcani to chose from and build up upon given the island city's extensive history, however eventually Miyako would tred upon a particular web and find herself in connection with a strange entity; referring to themselves as "Il Safnarin" Miyako would of course have many reservations and concerns about such an entity, and though only her closest of hand-maidens would ever hear of it, she described them as being a "shady bastard." in a rare expression of foul language.   Yet, with the machinations of the much distrusted Everthorns and their attempts to unite the Everthorn and Yaseno clans, in addition to the overall unease that grew within the world around them, provoking the woman to attempt to commune with the historical progenitors of her clan. Researching various grimoires with such fervency that news of her actions spread within the darker webs of the Arcani networks.   Seemingly aware of that which she sought, it was for this reason that Il Safnarin contacted Miyako - and offered in trade an "ancestry calling ritual" which had been long archived in his storage, in return all that Miyako had to share was some of her notes should she pursue the ritual.   Suspicious, as the deal seemed like it had nothing for her to lose, Miyako only begrugdingly accepted the material and then vetted it thoroughly - in case it had been trapped or had some other nefarious intent. Yet, with she would discover that the contents of the book's only fault ere in the aged nature of it's wording and materials.   Some of them less than common - or ethical in the modern age meant that careful investigation and expenditure into replacements was required. Collecting pieces of the ritual bit by bit, and exploring the castings. With lesser talented mages in lesser forms, simply to see what would come of it. - Finding it successful, reaching historical figures within the bloodline, but only within the more recent years of it.   To fully grasp the might and knowledge of an earlier figure, the full ritual would need be conducted, and by a powerful mage - which conveniently, Miyako herself now was.   With her at the helm, and the full ritual in force, Miyako dove into it's depths. Channeling the power of the planes beyond and listening in communion, flowing along a passage of wisdom and knowledge as she traveled upstream into her family's history.   "Useless." "Weak." Miyako's innate conditioning construed anything other than a path to the pinnacle as being noise only fit for pigs and cows, instead looking for something stronger, as she gradually went further and further - until she hit a wall. Or rather, crashed into an obstruction.   "strange" - she had thought, unlike the other descriptions, none had ever mentioned encountering such a thing, though none had conducted the ritual and extended so far back as she had, and even more strangely - the object felt familiar. Resonating in her mind akin to some sort of Soul stone or trap for a creature... and if such a creature was trapped in her family geneology... then why?   Cowards would suggest leaving it be. After all, there were many who believed that 99 to 1 as odds were too risky to engage in, but there were many who were mediocre, and only the 1% would be willing to break out of the mold and discover the unknown which meant that Miyako's reaction was a calm unsheathing of her spiritual blade.   Holding it in both hands, she prepared herself - pointing the tip towards the "crystal" and then with a forward step proceeded to violently cleave the rock in twain.   The resulting backlash, for those who were involved in the ritual was immense. Miyako among them, there were a number of other members of the Yaesano clan who - whilst unaware of the true meaning of what they were performing - had been participating in maintaining it whilst their leader was distracted, and in the consequence of it's disruption promptly fainted.   Miyako herself attempted to resist succumbing to a similar fate from them as her magical and physical vitality were aggressively drained from her to fuel whatever was occuring at the heart of the ritual. The charged energy of herself and her fellow casters coalescing at it's heart.   Eventually, the draining pull would cease, with Miyako staggering back and leaning heavily against a wall, heaving with her cheeks turned gaunt. Now watching as a body was constutituted within the air. Forming a exquisitely defined and luscious woman with flowing hair and a sharp expression. Her eyes glowing like two blazing suns as she was gradually lowered until her bare feet stepped upon the ground, the remaining magical energies manifesting as a kimono which covered her body respectfully.   Looking around herself for a moment, the woman inspected the mansion she was in as well as the two fainted Yaesanos lying on the ground with an expression crossed between disdainful and evaluating before she crossed her arms and looked towards Miyako with a simplistic comment of: "It seems much has changed in my absense."   And in truth it had, for Miyako's ritual had culminated in the summoning of Yukika Yaesano from the annals of her family's history. With such an event happening, it could be readily said that both Miyako and her family were now in much better positions than 10 years ago.
Sunfire Gold
Midnight Black, Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White