Nieves Snow

Background - Healer - 3 skills chosen as class skills - Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature) The healer is proficient in herbal remedies and medical procedures. Healers are most commonly found in rural areas, where clerics and temples are sparse. Many healers choose to become druids. Alignment: Non-evil Born and isolated for years before finding a home with humans who thought her a puny lizard. She has not grown much but has taken to healing as many of the humans and other creatures around her were afflicted with disease. She healed them often and was praised now as the holy serpent. She showed her powers and came to them in other forms. Humans, snow elves, bears, and many others. They revered her as the Lady of the Snow as no cruel frigid storm could touch her and she protected them, even learning the ways of fire. She holds symbols of lionesses and the sun marked on her body in worship of her goddess. She will heal all in need whether they wish it or not. And if they can not be cured... fire is the ultimate cleanser.