
In general, a queen is a female ruler or monarch who has the authority and the responsibility of governing a realm or a kingdom. A queen can also be the wife or the consort of a king, who may or may not have political power or influence. A queen can also be a leader or a representative of a certain group or faction, such as a religious order, a magical society, or a mythical race.


Education at the Academy of Astralaria, where she studied history, magic, and diplomacy; experience as a diplomat and a scholar, where she traveled and learned from various cultures and realms; skill in magic and leadership, where she demonstrated her ability to wield and control the four elements and to inspire and command her people; wisdom and charisma, where she showed her understanding and compassion for the needs and desires of her people and her allies


Age of at least 21, which is the legal age of majority in Betoros; gender of female, which is the tradition of the Betoros royal family; race of human, which is the majority of the Betoros population; lineage of the Betoros bloodline, which is the source of the royal magic; marriage to a suitable consort, which is expected of a queen for political and personal reasons


There are two methods by which this title is attained: 1. Coronation, where she was crowned and anointed by the High Priestess of the Betoros pantheon in the presence of the nobles, the clergy, and the people of Betoros. 2. Inheritance, where she was the eldest daughter and the only child of King Betoros the 3rd, who died without a male heir.


Typical duties of this role and title are: To protect and serve the interests of her realm and her people, to uphold and enforce the laws and the justice of her realm and her people, to honor and respect the gods and the faiths of her realm and her people, to promote and support the culture and the arts of her realm and her people, and to maintain and improve the relations and the alliances of her realm and her people with other realms and peoples.


Typical responsibilities of this role and title are: To make decisions and policies that affect her realm and her people, to deal with internal and external issues or conflicts that arise in her realm and her people, to communicate and collaborate with other rulers or leaders, to oversee and manage the administration and the finances of her realm and her people, and to lead and inspire her realm and her people in times of peace and war.


Typical benefits of this role and title are: To have the authority and the power to rule and govern her realm and her people, to have the right and the privilege to enjoy the wealth and the resources of her realm and her people, to have the influence and the prestige to represent and speak for her realm and her people, to have the freedom and the opportunity to pursue her personal and professional goals, and to have the love and the loyalty of her realm and her people.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Some common accoutrements and equipment are:
A crown or a tiara, a scepter or a staff, a robe or a gown, a ring or a necklace, and a throne or a chair. These items can have symbolic or magical meanings or properties that enhance or reflect the queen’s title and power.   For example, a crown can signify the queen’s sovereignty and authority, a scepter can channel the queen’s magic and will, a robe can protect the queen from harm and danger, a ring can bind the queen to her consort and her people, and a throne can seat the queen in her rightful place and position.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Some common grounds and procedures are: Death, where the queen dies naturally or unnaturally and her title passes to her heir or successor, abdication, where the queen voluntarily or involuntarily renounces or relinquishes her title and her power, impeachment, where the queen is accused and convicted of a crime or a misconduct and her title and her power are revoked or suspended, rebellion, where the queen is opposed and overthrown by a rival or a faction and her title and her power are usurped or contested, and curse, where the queen is afflicted and corrupted by a dark or a evil force and her title and her power are tainted or lost.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Your Majesty, Queen [Name] of [Queendom], oral address Your Majesty or Your Grace
Equates to
Empress, depending on the size and the nature of the realm or the kingdom that she rules or belongs to.
Source of Authority
Divine Birthright