Sedon Fireside Creations

Created by Alexsander Tsudzurao and managed by his cohort Raard Emberguard, Sedon Fireside creations is an organization dedicated to Torag and the art of crafting, providing crafting services towards many big names and peoples. Supporting the market for refined magic goods in Sedon, as well as the analysis and removal of cursed magic items and materials from the market.


The guild maintains an open structure, with the honor of the guild being a stamp equivalent to a word of approval, and the focus of the guild is to spread crafting contracts to all whom can take it reasonably and fairly. Thus expanding the variety of those who can sustainably craft without any one figure dominating the market upon their own.


The culture of this guild is to keep to a number of simple tenants.  
  1. Do not craft using cursed materials or produce cursed items.
  2. Do not use the souls of any creature to craft. Do not accept them as payment.
  3. Do not counterfeit or steal from other's creations.
  4. Follow the tenants of Torag, and do not subscribe to their Anathema.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the guild is to spread and increase the reach by which crafters may enhance their professional skills and meet new challenges, allowing up and coming crafters to gain fame, whilst preventing any one from dominating the market to exclusion.


The assets of the Fireside in Sedon are extensive as a great crafting organization of the third age of heroes, it's suspected wealth extends beyond the hundreds of millions in reserve which is used to ensure the organization's longevity and ability to endure even in situations that would prove ostensibly challenging to it's survival.


Created by Alexsander Tsudzurao following the events of the Saltieunni War and the close of the major actions of the third great age of heroes, this organization is relatively new in the face of it's peers. Despite this relatively new nature, a leader with a vision of the future is at the helm, and thus leading it promises a moderate longevity and prominence to the organization.

"Understand the art of the craft, not the art of being a dick."

Founding Date
Notable Members