The Everthorn


Iris and izzen, shaped the still-living wood of a giant tree into a veritable conduit for magical energy. It is “The Everthorn", or in the sylvan tongue, "Ir'liel".   It is taller than most other mechs, measuring almost 2,200 feet tall at the top of its highest towers. Graceful and thin, it looks like beautiful natural design, at once resembling a sleek tower, an ancient tree, and a powerful magical construct.   Its very structure is alive, capable of growing and of healing wounds. It is a single massive artifact, a conduit of magical energy through which Iris and her legions of mages can launch batteries of fireballs and other spells at attacking creatures. Nothing has stood against it, but The Everthorn is vulnerable from the inside.   Iris is inextricably linked to the mech. Her will controls it, directs it, and sustains it, though the magical energy required is so great that she frequently calls upon other great spellcasters to aid her. It currently wanders the island of Betoros roaming from coast to coast helping wherever able.  


The Everthorn is built entirely of enchanted trees, their still-living roots, limbs, and trunks bound together in architectural form to match Iris’s vision. These trees still live, drawing nourishment from the earth whenever the mech halts for the night, repelling intruders with the vines that live on their exterior, growing and repairing themselves as directed by Iris.   The Everthorn's internal structure reflects Iris' attitude. Its vertical levels are not divided according to use or function, but rather according to a magical hierarchy.   


The entire mech is ruled by the Everthorn household who built it. They reside in the mech’s highest levels, within its head and in the living tree-towers that reach high off its shoulders and back. Protected by Iris’s magic, these tree-towers repel most things.   Below them are the residential quarters of the rest of the mech’s mages, a recently organized mages’ council devoted to the magic of golems, constructs, and, of course, The Everthorn itself. The Order is responsible for keeping the mech running. It occupies the mech’s arms and upper torso.   The next tier includes ranks of warriors, archers, and other defenders of the mech. Most are drawn from Iris's followers though Iris accepts any and all who need protection. The everthorn includes a fairly large military force housed in its middle torso.   The lower torso and thighs are home to tradesmen and other specialists: the carpenters and blacksmiths who keep things running. Finally, in the rest of the leg area, the peasants live, farming small protected terraces hanging off the mech’s legs.  

Places of Interest

Temple of Desna

After finishing her mission for Desna. Iris dedicated much of her life to Desna and as part of her worship she made sure to include a large temple to Desna within the city. The temple is quite famous thanks to her exploits and is often visited by other worshipers of Desna hoping to meet her.

Bank of Izzen

After spending years crafting for other people and the city mech itself Izzen decided to settle down with his hordes of wealth and form a bank. The bank handles all the money in the city and makes sure things flow properly.

Astrid's Adventuring Guild (Weaver's den)

With years under her belt leading the front desk of the treddelton adventuring guild Astrid decided to form her own once iris finished construction of the city. The guild has become more active over the years as the population has grown.

High House of commons

A place of deals and high society. Evie Everthorn brings her skills in the arts of persuasion and politics to help keep and broker peace between races and cultures of all kinds.

Temple to God

The second largest temple in the city is dedicated to the God followed by Ellie. Starting off with just her with Evie's help and her own endless faith it soon flourished, expanding and growing. After many years the temple now sees many followers coming to pay a visit from both inside the city and from abroad.
Stats   Size: City-mech F   Power Source: Magic   Payload Units: 16,448   Height: 2,200 ft.   Space/Reach: 900 ft. by 900 ft./900 ft.   Crew/population: 4,112
DEMOGRAPHICS:   Anything and everything under the sun. The Everthorn is a mixing pot of all races as Iris does not judge people for what they are so many have found a home here.   GOVERNMENT:   Monarchy   INDUSTRY & TRADE:   The Everthorn provides all of it's own necessary supplies however they are a large importer of luxury goods. Their main exports are food and raw materials such as wood and metals.