The Rockles

Discovered by travelers on the mainland, these creatures appeared to be harvesting some strange minerals and quickly ran from the expedition members upon discovering their presence.

Basic Information


In the shape of a humanoid to a degree, these two-logged creatures appear to be physically similar to apes in physiology, walking either on two legs, or using their arms for balance, which is often quite necessary due to their physically top-heavy nature. With talon-esque protrusion from their feet, they're capable of catching on rocky walls and ceilings and bearing their entire weight upon it, whilst their arms covered by a "bracer" made of rock, the purpose of which however appears to be used for digging by shattering sedimentary rock like shale, or cracking other forms of rock which their stubbier fingers can then extract.   Notably, their teeth appear to be remarkably sharp - but due to the limited width of motion available to their jaws, their primary attacks often revolve around strike their target with physical brutality, and using their teeth to grind and consume rock, which is then stored in their body and ground down further to provide themselves nutrients. These creatures are known for growing crystal patches, and harvesting minerals as they find it to be more nutricious in nature.   Members of this species which have consumed too much of a particular mineral or crystal will, after molting reveal colors and properties similar to the materials they've consumed. Making them an adaptable race for a multitude of environments.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

With encounters so far with these creatures indicating them as being nomadic harvest/gatherers, the actual home in which they can be found is unknown, but there have been numerous long-distance encounters in which they can be spotted either collecting a natural resource, or watching expedition members passing through, so far they seem to be non-hostile from a species-wide level.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures feast upon rock, stone, crystal, and mineral. No instances of their byproduct have been found to this point. They appear to be nomadic foragers by a cultural behavior, though without closer study the actual behavior of the species is uncertain.


Peaceful to the expedition members, they have a cautious distrust of them - most likely on account of watching them reaving through and near-indiscriminating murdering everything they come across, it is likely that whatever communication there is between these creatures has said that these people are "Dangerous" and "psychotic", that - compounded with an inability to communicate with them has resulted in avoidance overall, save for one encounter.   Unable to integrate them into their society, the saltieunni appear to have created some parasitic crystal that can infect the Rockles. The resulting one being encountered by adventurers in one of their missions, and though the situation was resolved with great violence, when the Rockles later would invade the establishment to find their shaman for themselves, the destroyed corpse would strongly enrage them, and affirm their lasting hatred against the Saltieunni, and a more careful watch of these adventurers who went against them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With eyes naturally suitable for caves, these creatures are also equipped with a sensitivity towards strange noises and sounds, offering them a form of blindsense, though ther are generally less sensitive and aware of enemies, mostly due to the challenges in actually fighting one of these creatures makes it so that they often suffer very little injury.
Scientific Name
Large Humanoid(Earth, Crystal, Giant)
Rock Trolls