The Soul's Brush


Led by Savala Salvator, each member of this organization is meant to gather more people to it.


The culture of this organization is inclusive, and includes many events that welcome those into the fold, the people within this organization are often almost delusionally cheerful and encouraging, and those who join in often undergo a sort of mental conditioning to heighten joyful states, often resulting in a subtle but noted bipolar responses to situations as their connection to their emotional selves are deliberately cultivated.

Public Agenda

To guide people to spiritual and eternal bliss and share in companionship for all eternity.


New even amidst the third age of heroes, this organization has only existed for 10 years, and has minimal history to this point, there are those amongst them who have had some impact, but their fame has yet to translate over to the organization itself.


This organization is commonly found traversing the mainland in an attempt to assimilate and encourage new followers to the faith and grow their numbers to the enlightened mind of it's leader.

"a true death is one where one is forgotten. Become immortal, become... unforgettable."

Notable Members