The Twisted Tower

"The Twisted Tower" is an extraordinary building blueprint with the unique capability to regulate, enhance, and process leyline energy. Its intense functionality comes at the cost of the singular entity overseeing its operations, which becomes permanently bound to this crucial task, forsaking any other functions.

Purpose / Function

The Twisted tower has a number of purposes, which are as follows:  

Chronal Decay Prevention:

The central purpose of the "Twisted Tower" is to prevent chronal decay in structures and spells within its influence. This function is crucial for maintaining the integrity of magical constructs and preventing the erosion of temporal stability.  

Networked Leyline Enhancement:

To benefit from the tower's protective influence, structures and spells must be "networked" to the nexus by expending "Stabilization Points." This process establishes a magical link that extends the tower's influence to the connected elements.  

Resilience Decay Reduction:

The "Twisted Tower" decreases the effective Resilience Decay in a radial range from its core. This reduction of decay values by one for each hex within the area contributes to the stabilization of the environment.  

Area Stabilization:

The tower has the potential to "stabilize" the surrounding area, allowing adventurers to recover resilience at a rate of one per day. This feature is invaluable for those seeking refuge or recovery in the midst of magical turbulence.  

Leyline Essence Power:

The structure relies on Leyline Essence as its power source. If there is an insufficient supply of this magical essence, the tower ceases to function, exposing the connected structures and spells to the risks of chronal decay.  

Corruption Prevention:

Crucially, the "Twisted Tower" serves as a bulwark against the corruption that rapidly affects non-natives to the mainland. Maintaining the tower becomes paramount to prevent the physical and spiritual corruption of adventurers, ensuring cohesion and persistent sanity.


Living Entity Origin:

The tower's unique nature stems from a significant sacrifice, granting it life. Indra Noscius, the sacrificial entity, embodies the tower's core, allowing it to operate and process magic effectively.  

Adaptable Structure:

Originally a single-room structure, the "Twisted Tower" has evolved into a multi-storied marvel, expanding to meet the diverse needs of adventurers. Its ability to adapt showcases its responsiveness to the inhabitants it protects.


Emulating the powers of the once-great mage in her life, the tower is capable of manifsting various arcane events in defense of itself. Whether this would be the Warping of space to increase the distance of objects between another, or shorten them, or it is the innate enhancement and empowerment of weapons and the creatures that wield them. The stones of the tower itself are also magically fortified, and this is doubly as impactful for the tower interior which is incredibly resistant to damage in in of itself, having had enhancements performed in such a way that direct strikes may yet glide off of the stone.


The history of this tower starts in it's place upon the land of the Noscios clan, once a highly militaristic society, it was washed away by time itself when the veil fell, though remnants and relics of the noscios line still exist, as the tower has rebuilt artifacts of the houses and buildings from before, even going so far as to have rebuilt portions of a massive labyrinth hidden underneath the surrounding town. This labyrinth, yet explored, is thought to hold the secrets of how the Noscos line had fallen in the mainland and their last years of rulership.   The tower was found as a broken remnant of the goal it had once tried to pursue by Indra Noscios in her attempts to find out more about her clan's history, however due to the corruption of the mainland, her followers were gradually losing their minds and bodies both, which ended in her sacrifice - in an attempt to maintain her followers, she gave her body to the tower and brought it to it's original purpose, however, this achievement came too late, resulting in the dissolution of her faction, save for one who would successfully make his way back to Treddleton and inform the Veilbreakers of what had happened.   With a second expedition bringing adventurers full of purpose back to the tower, they were able to - after a great fight with the Saltieunni who had attempted to claim it, reclaim the tower for themselves and restore it to functionality, Saving it from being turned into yet another breeding ground for the vicious race.   Yet, such a reclaimation has not gone without trouble, for the Saltieunni would rather see the tower destroyed, and the adventurers driven from these lands, and they have the engines of war to threaten it, having damaged the tower once already. Meaning that any hope of peace for those at the expedition site, must be claimed from the claws of their aggressors.