Vonn "Shovel" Knight

Clad in his shining armor, Vonn Knight lives up to his family name, having the traditional look of a knight. The exception to this of course is his signature shovel. When asked why he fights with a shovel he harkens back to his childhood on the farm with his eccentric family. His uncle Percival was a renowned knight and his uncle Perry was an intelligent philosopher and local magistrate. These uncles were the boy's only true friends through childhood. Percival challenged the socially awkward boy to prove his worth with a shovel rather than as a combatant. Despite this "Shovel", as Percival called him, fancied his uncle combat skills and would fantasize about being a knight like his dear uncle. (After all Knight was his family name). He would find himself playing knight to the imaginary foes in the field he tended; his shovel as his sword and spear. Over the years he gained actual skill with his shovel and developed his own style that was not quite sword nor spear. Meanwhile Perry wished to teach the boy the skills to be an apprentice to his profession. He would have him practice copying writings from one book to another and had him work on his penmanship and social skills. Alas, Shovel showed no skill as a diplomat and has no interest in fancy social parties. He felt that such things were only good for cowards; those who wished to forget about the issues facing common folk, who had no fancy guard or wealth to protect them. Still, Shovel found some of the writings he copied useful for his day to day work in the field. He could work longer and without need for sleep in conditions that would be grueling to others. And getting his work done in the cool of night let him spend the day playing protector to the field. One day he found himself befriending a citizen of his field. He was fighting an imaginary knave when he saw a rabbit stuck under a fence. It was frightened and was bleeding from its struggle to get out from under the fence. Shovel bent down to calm the rabbit and ease its mind before using his shovel to dig the rabbit out. From then on the rabbit saw Shovel for the knight he had imagined himself to be and would follow him around the field cheering him on in his fights versus the invisible foes all around. Shovel came to name his follower Marshmallow. They are now close as can be and depend on each other on a level rare outside of druidic circles. Tired of seeing the common folk get the shaft, Shovel is out to prove his shovel is mightier than any greatsword as he defends those who can't afford defense and saves those in danger.