

Created to be used as a tool by cultists over a millennium ago, he was released by heroes only to be left behind as his laboratory when it crumbled. As time passed he began to commune with Horus, in an attempt to perfect and free himself. Now he has emerged to exact his revenge on his creators and those who abandoned him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Long before the Veilfall, and long before the isolation had occurred Arcani had been a less populated island, in fact only stray cults and the occasional vagabond could be foudn there and certainly not the vibrant civilzation of today. As such, there are few records from this time that would lead to a conclusive record of the roganization responsible for creating Xandoom.   Or at least, this is what one would think, but for whatever disaster had lead to Xandooms indefinite isolation, awake and imprisoned for a thousand years, the actual cult still existed so that after the random excavation and exploration by a group of adventurers Xandoom would find the organization that had made him, and would promptly serve the notice letter of their undoing. An act achieved through incredible violence and swift action.   Xandoom had, after all been restless for his imprisonment, and in restless action trained himself with a careful plan and plotting mindset, undoing their actions from the ground up to ensure this cult never saw success in it's actions.
Horus (Osiran Pantheon)