For Fortune! A Salty Journey to the East


"Adventurers of Sedon, I, Orion Meskil, Have taken up a righteous quest to explore the seas to the east. While many expeditions have sought the lands of the west, my sources tell of land to the east. I wish to explore such places for fortune, glory, and honest curiosity. But, the sea can be a difficult thing to cross, and I seek powerful individuals, knights of a truly worthy cause, to join me."

The party went on a short expedition to the eastern sea. Not too long after they breached the veil, they encountered a great dragon of the deep, a Leviathan. after a longer fight, they had almost felled the beast, through teamwork and bravery... but there was another who took interest in their fight, a hushed secret befell the battlefield, and the beast was invigorated with a great power of frost, an immortal might fostered within the unknown. But push on they did, felling the first mighty beast of Kveldynmyr, the phantom of frost, the dragon of the deep slumber. But is it truly gone?

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