

Pulled into desperate straits, Besocnes, rather than watch his power base crumble, decides to attempt a powerful ritual to ascend to the next level. By doing so, he hopes to restore and even enhance his power, despite the inherent risks. However, unbeknownst to him, his son Kuro has betrayed him and passed this information to Kenrith.

Kuro's Betrayal [/br] Kuro, despite his solitary nature, has friends among Besocnes' servants and learns of his father's plan. He informs Kenrith, the black sheep of the family, who then rallies his allies for another delve into the Abyss to stop his father's ritual.   Tightening the Web [/br] Kenrith, aware of the timing calls upon and coordinates with Shiruku. Eager and overjoyed to bring the stress and fear back to the demon lord who had always been a menace in her eyes, she takes her warriors and spiders to fight against the various agents of Besocnes, resulting in a chaotic scenario and opening for which Kenrith and his Companions could enter.   Infiltrating the Abyss [/br] The adventurers encounter numerous opponents, consisting of Besocnes' best soldiers. Despite sustaining minor injuries, their will remains unbroken. Three out of the four generals are slain. The fourth general, recognizing the futility and having no interest in the conflict, willingly steps aside and leaves.   Reaching the Central Throne Room [/br] With the generals defeated, the adventurers gain access to the central throne room. They find numerous fallen paladins, their decapitated bodies aiding Besocnes, and illusions designed to sow chaos.   Yet, the lightweaver is a role not gifted lightly amongst the fey, and given this glorious title, the one who holds it demonstrates her greaty capability to show off the glory of her own personal light. Freeing these fallen and corrupted souls from the darkness of unlife, and burning away the lives of the guilty.   One could also not fail to neglect the importance and ability of Solaria’s light in empowering her allies, and ensuring that even the most dangerous of wounds inflicted by the Demon lord would be short lived.   The Second Stage of the battle [/br] Among the chaos, they discover Fiendo, Merisa's cheerful companion, imprisoned. Ultimately, Kenrith would attempt to rescue the boisterous fiend, to return him to Merisa’s side, but would discover that the creature was unwilling to leave this battle, for, having been the jester of the court for his many years of service, he knew the weaknesses of the demon lord best.   Thus, Working with Gleam and Lynette, the three of them would target the weaknesses of the demon lord and using the hordes of creatures, shatter the foundation of his domain, and disrupt the cornerstone of the ritual leaving in a final gap by which their allies could finish the assault.   The Final Battle [/br] Working together with Sandrah, the technicolor nightmare to expose the weaknesses of Besocnes, as well as to consume his ability to react, Kenrith steps forward to take advantage of the situation. His three blades catching and reflecting the light, summoning this power. His body started to glow with energy.   Sandrah would witness two paths; one fate, in which Kenrith’s sudden aggression and overconfidence would see Besocnes suddenly rallying against him. Sharply acting and recovering to overcome the frailty inflicted upon him and then slaying Kenrith before killing the remainder of the party.   And a second path; in which their plans would come to fruition, dividing the Demon lord from his powers, by the insight of Solaria and Lynette to break the ablative and recovering enchantments possessed, and separating him from his weapons. Finally giving the opening Kenrith required for victory.   Though all forces would have the first path be their fate, Sandrah would choose the second. The abilities of her allies and herself shining brightly as Kenrith’s infinite strikes would land upon the body of his father. Culminating a countless barrage in a single killing blow.   Escaping the Abyss [/br] Before they can celebrate, the nature of the disrupted ritual begins to draw inward, preparing to respond with explosive might. Additionally, their intercessions crack open the gate of the nexus, causing a tide of creatures to swell from beyond. These creatures, preying on the adventurers, force them to make a hasty escape.   Conclusion [/br] Kenrith and his allies successfully thwart Besocnes' plan, slay the Demon Lord, and rescue Fiendo. However, they must quickly escape the Abyss to avoid the ensuing chaos from the disrupted ritual and the creatures pouring through the nexus gate.        Some Time Later. [/br] A figure would stand at the edge of a large crater. Looking at what was becoming a large lake of lava due to the steady flow which came in from the edges. Once it had been a fortress. Once it had been his fortress, but by the actions of his son and grandchild, it was now nothing more than rubble.   It was strange for a creature to feel nostalgia, but adorned with snowy white hair, this creature’s eyes briefly reminisced about the past as he crossed his arms. His body emanating an air of power and potency. The silence of his thoughts broken by a voice, and the sounds of an armored knee hitting the ground.   “My lord.” the kneeling demon spoke softly. “You have returned.”   “It is finally time. The pieces have fallen into place. With their domains broken, there can be no void left around the nexus. I will take their place. Though his reach overextended, I am surprised that he fell so soon.”   “This grandson of mine. He is impressive.” The old demon says, complimenting himself with a brief smile.   “He takes after his mother.” The faithful general replied to his master.   “Does he yet know he carries her with him?” asked the demon.   “I suspect he does not.” postulates the servant.   “Good. He need not be aware of our intercession.” the grandfatherly man half smiles, before uncrossing his arms, then thrusting his hand out. Calling upon it’s power, such that the abyss then responded to his call, the lava that had gathered in the cratered remnants of the fortress erupting and forming into a tsunami. Climbing into great towers and pillars, as the fortress that had once belonged to him reforged itself from the liquid stone.   Whilst the throne room had been hidden before, this fortress had some changes. Leading to a great Throne at it’s center. One which, at the blink of an eye would be occupied by the man once more. His voice like thunder, as it offered one simple command.   “Inform the lady Shiruku that I, Vulkan, have returned.”

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