Skim the cream, reap the crop


Sandrah Angelf D’eath, determined to ensure the permanent demise of Besocnes' influence, decides to thoroughly erase his cult. By doing so, she aims to destabilize any chance of the cult recuperating. Gathering a group of companions, she orchestrates a grand performance to draw the cultists in, leveraging the fame and reputation of the adventurers to lure them into a trap.

The Grand Performance
Sandrah plans a great performance to attract the cultists, offering them an exciting day of enjoyment. Due to the adventurers' fame and the news of Besocnes' death not having spread, the cultists are eager to participate.   Carli's Role
Carli, with her extensive experience as a musician, serves as the primary event. Her performance grabs the cultists' attention and distracts them effectively.   Merisa's Background Work
Merisa works behind the scenes to inebriate and weaken the wills of the partygoers, ensuring they are more susceptible to manipulation.   Yukika Yaesano's Support
Yukika Yaesano provides necessary fire support, ready to step in if anything goes wrong, ensuring the group's safety.   Sandrah's Persuasion Attempt
Sandrah attempts to show the cultists the freedom of will and encourage them to break free from their monotonous existence under Besocnes. She tries to convince them that their path is doomed to failure. Despite their experiences, many cultists are willing to continue their life as lesser beings.   The Divide
Finding their existence disappointing, Sandrah almost decides to execute them. However, Carli catches their interest, and the cultists believe they have been saved from deception. Convinced that their old leader was false and that the adventurers are their saviors, the cultists naturally gravitate towards following the adventurers.   Cultist Alignment
The cultists divide their allegiance, some following Sandrah and some following Carli. All of them defect from their original beliefs, leaving their home base vulnerable.   Conclusion
With the cultists divided and defected, the adventurers take advantage of the situation. They purge the various shrines, steal possessions accrued by the higher-ups, and defile the shrines of Besocnes. Sandrah's meticulous plan ensures the permanent destabilization of Besocnes' cult and solidifies their victory over his influence.

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