The Navy Bootcamp

Sporting Event / Competition


The Arcani Navy performs assessments to understand the skillset of their hired adventurers.

As the Arcani Navy starts to build up it's ship assignments, Captain Richard Headd of the Evokus family and Lieutenant Vyressa of the Amalgamation lead this opportunity, examining potential recruits and assigning them based on skill and potential offered.   Whilst Vyressa took three potential recruits of her own, the four adventurers Aiko, Vi^3, Daichi and Bite were placed under the paunchy Captain Richard who wasted no time in informing the group of his disdain and distrust. Talking down to them as he instructed them on the basic needs of the ship, from Rope tying, to long range bombardments.   Dauntless, this group of adventurers successfully passed each trial placed before them with ease. Though on the last of them, a test of perception, Vi^3 would hear a familiar sizzle from a lit nearby fuse. Looking around for a moment, she would spot a group of men gathered near to some crates. However, immediately upon being spotted the men would run away and disperse.   Alerting, the two groups would prepare themselves, as suddenly numerous positioned crates would explode and reveal a strange abomination as their contents. Shaped like an Eye, fire spewed from them in both flying globules which were launched through the air, and beams of fire which were launched from the pupils.   At this suddenly fraught moment, the adventurers would quickly respond to the threat like finely operated machinery. Aiko would hasten those around her, whilst Daichi tore open the sky itself to release rain down onto the area to whet the deck and prevent it from burning. Vi^3 readied the pressure in her crossbow, and Bite summoned his wintry axe.   With a crack of lightning from the open sky roaring like a gunshot, the adventurers raced after and quickly assaulted their foes. dispatching them with incredible dexterity and efficiency. With the aid of their hastened motions, not more than half a minute passed before they had slain their foes.   And whilst the initial explosion had damaged and destroyed a significant amount of the stockpile goods at the location. further damage was avoided thanks to their actions. Appreciative of their actions in preventing a further problem Richard generously offered them a reward in favor of dealing with these creatures.   When questioned on their origin however, the captain was happy to discard them simply as the terroristic actions of detractors to the cause, and stated it was hardly worth paying attention to. Something that Vi^3 would doubt and feel drawn to investigate further.

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