Cut me from my strings

Military: Battle


Kenrith Vess once more expresses his determination to break free from his father's tyranny and the manipulation by Demon Lords Bescones, Shiruku, and Apestare.

Bescones' Temporary Setback
Having had his plans thwarted, Demon Lord Bescones considered this only a temporary setback. Though he had lost access to Kenrith Vess and could no longer use him to forward his power, he did not linger on this point. Instead, he decided to use this wayward child of his as a tool of execution. By removing the other competing Demon Lords from their positions, he could strengthen his own position and make up for the power lost.   Shiruku's Manipulation
Bescones persuaded Demon Lord Shiruku into kidnapping Merisa some time ago. Knowing her history, he believed that Shiruku could be susceptible to Merisa's charms, perhaps even becoming possessive of her. This would make Shiruku, ordinarily open to conversation with mortals, quite impossible to talk to in a state of fury.   Apestare's Capture
To keep Merisa from losing her usefulness, Bescones once again persuaded another one of his peers, Demon Lord Apestare, to capture her. This persuasion attempt was ultimately quite successful, and Merisa was once again kidnapped away from the lifestyle she had slowly acclimated to.   Merisa's Ordeal
While weeks had passed on the material plane, months had passed in the Abyss. This meant Merisa had spent a long time in this plane, whether being tortured or simply left alone and abandoned to the care of strangers.   Kenrith's Goal
Still uncertain of Merisa's fate, Kenrith remained clear in his goal of slaying his father. To end this incessant persecution, he returned to the Abyss to start the steps of fighting his father, only to be distracted by Veska.   Veska's Temptation
Complaining and accusing Shiruku of killing Merisa, Veska tempted Kenrith into a rage alongside Tsaren, hoping to drive them into such a state of fury that they would attack Shiruku's domain blindly, condemning themselves to a fate of death or kill this nuisance for Bescones.   Kenrith’s Bribery
This was partially successful, but to fully convince Kenrith, Kenrith had required that Veska join him. Initially unwilling, Veska was eventually bribed with promises, sweets, her own overconfidence and the overwhelming belief that Kenrith was an idiot. A conceited belief which allowed her to think that he would rather die than let her come to harm, thus following them was quite safe.   Entering Shiruku's Domain
Entering Shiruku's domain, they discovered her caves in a state of chaos and madness. The creatures there were driven into hostility by the rage of their lord, whose fury over the theft of Merisa was unquenchable. Initially, they thought they were trapped in the caves and had to fight their way through, but with determination and calm, mixed with the talents of Tsaren, they teleported through the caves directly to Shiruku's fortress.   Encounter with Khole
There, they started to explore and discovered Khole, a man who was a servant of Shiruku and one of her strongest followers. They found him attempting to divine who had stolen Merisa and where she had been taken.   Collaboration with Khole
Though a moment of rash anger nearly drove the adventurers and Khole into conflict, they eventually calmed enough to let him determine Merisa's location. Realizing they were not enemies, Khole eventually took the adventurers to Shiruku.   Meeting with Shiruku
Upon meeting Shiruku, Kenrith realized she was benign compared to other demon lords. Having been in that position through misfortune rather than decision, she was much more conversational. Realizing the likely deceptive nature of Veska, Kenrith tricked her into appearing before Shiruku, who reacted with rage and fury, immediately trying to capture her.   Veska's Capture
Initially confident in her ability to escape, Veska was ultimately confined and trapped, webbed by Shiruku, who relished the opportunity to capture such a useful part of one of her most hated enemies.   Rescuing Merisa
Realizing Merisa was now in Apestare's possession, the party sought to recover her once more. Heading directly to Apestare's domain, they attempted to find their ally while Shiruku used her forces to attack and distract Apestare's armies.   Traversing Apestare's Temple
Acting as a special force, the adventurers quickly traversed the corrupted temple that was Apestare's home. They found traces of their companion, eventually discovering Merisa secreted away in a cave.   Merisa's Recovery
Having endured months of stress in this domain, Merisa initially believed the adventurers were just tricks of her mind and attempted to disperse their existence. In this fashion, she nearly succeeded, performing an act that would have irrevocably damaged her psyche and removed one of her peers from existence.   Willful, however, the adventurers successfully overcame this, calming her and allaying her worries so they could bring her back home to the material plane.   Battle with Apestare
This occurred shortly before their fight with Apestare. In a heated battle, Apestare sought to use his almost infinite powers to wear the adventurers down like a grindstone. Though this plan would meet multiple stumbling blocks in the form of these adventurers.   Sylvie’s nature, and ability to reveal the true form of things, would allow her to break the protective polymorphs that the demon lord used to guard himself. Revealing his true scrawny, but potent form.   Tsaren’s resolve and resilience enabled him to act with crushing force, taking the hostility of the various creatures that accompanied the Demon lord, and breaking them down with brutal strikes. His fists acting as weapons of destruction.   Lynette and Gleam would provide the necessary support however, to ensure that their allies would remain unharmed. Each one shielding and supporting their allies to ensure their survival, whilst Gleam would use her summons to distract the remainder of the beasts that accompanied the demon lord, and Lynette’s gleaming blade would cut deep into the flesh of the demon lord.   Still, someone as powerful as Apestare would be unstoppable by traditional methods. Without the sudden support of Shiruku, using her power to weaken the support of his domain, and the surprising intercession of Besocnes, the battle would’ve likely eventually broken down and killed the adventurers.   The sudden interference however, would leave a great gap open in the defenses of the demon lord, one which Kenrith would never miss. Striking as swiftly as the flash of a shooting star, his blades would bury themselves into the flesh of Apestare. Two blades to shatter the crown of horns, whilst the third would decapitate him.   Having slain him, Apestare would recover no further. The adventurers obtaining a great victory once more.   Reward and Return
Afterward, they spoke briefly with Shiruku, obtaining her favor and some gifts from her expertise as a reward for their actions. They also received the corrupted core possessed by Apestare. Subsequently, restrictions forced them to return to the material plane until they could once again pursue the destruction of Bescones.

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