Northern Expedition: Dragon Slaying

Military: Battle


Maez has discovered a strange phenomona being emitted nearby and appears to be causes the storm to erroneously enter a cycle of potency. She suspects it's related to one of the creatures that attacked the generator before, she divines a location in which they might be and asks that some brave souls explore it.

In response to the constant, unrelenting assaults targeted towards them unprovoked, the adventurers decided that their persistent foe, a fearsome dragon, must be slain. No longer willing to tolerate its antics, they set forth into the hostile northern field.   Discovery and Initial Challenges
The adventurers had come to understand that the outside world held an innate hostility towards them, a lingering effect from their origins in the Toros and areas within the Veil. This pervasive enmity among the creatures of the northern lands clouded their judgment and prevented any form of diplomacy or communication. It seemed as if the world itself sought their unraveling and undoing, but these determined individuals were not ones to succumb to such a fate. Pressing onward, they found themselves at the heart of the dragon’s den. The entrance was covered by a barrier of magic and light, more resilient than traditional magic. This barrier acted as a cage, preventing the dragon from overreaching itself but also trapping any daring prey that entered its domain unless they managed to slay the beast.
  The Encounter
Fearlessly, the adventurers entered the fearsome site, discovering the dragon to be a massive creature, larger than a barn. Its immense body could crush and crumble even an iceberg within its claws. The air inside the den was chilling, with frost creeping up their skin and equipment, testament to the Eternal Frost covering the area.   The den was filled with numerous crystals of magic, which the dragon used to empower itself. Each crystal was guarded by a resilient guardian, a problem the adventurers had to solve quickly or face unrelenting attacks. Utilizing their talents, they teleported the guardians far away into the skies, leaving the crystals defenseless and vulnerable to their attacks. The adventurers efficiently destroyed many of the crystals, exploiting the brief moments of vulnerability to break the dragon’s defenses.   The Final Battle
With its crystals shattered and defenses down, the dragon still posed a potent threat. It fractured into multiple parts, each capable of dealing massive damage through magic spells and various abilities. The adventurers, through their resilience and clever tactics, generated numerous answers to these threats. Whether flickering in and out of reality or charging and collecting themselves upon the Waveskimmer, their strategies enabled them to shave off and shatter the creature’s scales, eventually revealing its beating hearts.   They slayed the fragmented versions of the dragon, reducing its number until only a few remained. One fragment took the brunt of the physical attacks and was inevitably slain, while another was driven deep underground into a world of black, dark molasses—a magical substance later identified as a form of ooze. This living liquid, capable of digesting flesh and magic alike, was thoughtless yet caused great damage. The ooze disintegrated materials it contacted, leading the dragon to a gruesome fate as its body melted around it.   Aftermath
With the dragon's last fragment slain, the threat ended, and the barrier surrounding the den vanished. The malevolent weight lifted from the air, allowing the adventurers to breathe freely in the now safer environment around the Borealis generator.   The dragon’s corpse, considered spoils of war, was devoured by two of the adventurers, its magic-charged flesh and blood filling their bodies with newfound vigor and energy. Despite its strange and warped nature, the dragon’s flesh made a surprisingly good gumbo, a fitting end to a hard-fought victory.

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