Of Black Towers and Wicked Powers


With no other major fears to worry about, Kenrith Vess returns to the Abyss, aiming to corner his father, Demon Lord Besocnes. Knowing he has the support of another demon lord and free from distractions, Kenrith sets out to dismantle his father's power source by weakening the source and breaking out his clones from captivitiy.

Returning to the Abyss
Kenrith, now focused on his mission, returns to the Abyss, confident in his strategy and the support of his allies. His goal is to dismantle his father's power by targeting the anchorstones that keep his father's demiplane secure.   Kenrith's Tower
Returning to Kenrith's tower first, the adventurers would head to basement, seeking to free his captive siblings from their eternal torment. Familiar with the path, his footsteps retrace back to a place that had scarred his past and irrevocably changed the course of his life.   With the aide of his allies and despite the malicious attempts of the leader of the faceless cult that had aided in the kidnapping of Merisa to confuse and trick them, Solaria's blase approach would result in the animation and escape of the various test tubes which would result in a triggered condition. Besocnes would not accept traitors or failures, and with only a momentary lapse, this leader was both, and was quickly executed.   The Tower of Veska
Kenrith's second target is the Tower of his 16th clone, Veska. The tower, transformed into a garish pink nightmare due to Veska's transactions with Besocnes, stands in stark contrast to the monochrome towers of her siblings. Inside, Kenrith and his companions find the interior cluttered with various plushies, which are revealed to be captured entities, including a friend of Merisa.   Shattering the First Anchorstone
Exploring upwards, they face resistance from the tower's creatures before discovering a magical anchorstone at the top. This stone holds a demiplane in place, preventing entry. Kenrith's overwhelming attack shatters the anchorstone, causing one of the other anchorstones to resonate and also break, leaving only one more to attend to.   The Tower of Kuro
Kenrith then moves to the tower belonging to his 14th sibling, Kuro. After dealing with the outside guards, they enter the tower and rise to the peak, where they encounter Kuro and the 15th clone, Aoi, in a heated argument. Aoi is furious with Kenrith, while Kuro doubts their father's actions.   Battle with Kuro and Aoi
A fierce battle ensues, with Kenrith's comrades displaying their unique powers. Despite Aoi's impressive self-defense talents, they successfully overwhelm the enemies, leaving only Kuro, who is swayed into backing down. Promised safety if he doesn't harm them, Kuro agrees, favoring peace and surrender over conflict.   Destroying the Final Anchorstone
With Kuro neutralized, Kenrith destroys the final anchorstone, revealing a passageway to an ancient demiplane. This demiplane contains the origin of all iterative clones of Besocnes, known as "Zero."   Freeing Zero
Despite being the oldest clone, Zero is only four years old, trapped in the stones of time. Requiring the combined efforts of three mages, they free Zero from his prison.   Victory Against Besocnes
Having scored a great victory against Besocnes, Kenrith and his companions leave the Abyss, confident in their success and the weakening of Besocnes' power.

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