Northern Expedition: Landing

Discovery, Exploration


Opening a portal anywhere on the mainland is an exhaustive process, requiring a delicate blend of art and science. Years of research and countless offerings to the ancient tarasque within the Obsidian Circle have turned this process into a refined science. These sacrifices were made with the belief that those who would use the portal would succeed. In this session, a wave of adventurers embarked on a mission to set up the Borealis Generator, a behemoth of technology designed to generate a field capable of resisting the might of the Everstorm.

The Mission The immediate goal was to find an ideal location to place the Borealis Generator. Without the protective field it could generate, the adventurers relied on their quick movements to navigate the northern lands, setting up camp and hiding from the Everstorm.   Challenges Along the Way Caves and Frozen Creatures As they headed northwards, the adventurers encountered numerous obstacles and challenges. They often took refuge in caves to hide from the howling winds, where they encountered frozen creatures hunting within the depths. These encounters tested their combat skills and resourcefulness.   Open Fields and Wildlife In the open fields, the adventurers faced the relentless ire of local wildlife, which saw them as easy prey. The fields offered little protection from the storm, and they had to be constantly on guard against attacks.   Barriers and Natives Crossing barriers set up by the natives, the adventurers encountered horrifying entities that the locals hid from. These barriers were both physical and magical, presenting additional challenges to their journey.   A Mysterious Metal Being Not all encounters were hostile. While exploring a unique wall, the adventurers came across a being made of metal. This silent, graceful construct revealed the secrets of the wall, allowing them to unseal it and continue their journey northwards. This encounter hinted at the hidden dangers and mysteries of the northern lands.   The Nexus of Leylines After facing numerous dangers, the adventurers finally made their way to a nexus of leylines. Here, the leylines converged like a beating heart, producing passive magical energy. It was an ideal location to construct the Borealis Generator. Among their companions, they found an engineer personally trained by the great Suzy Wae, who had the expertise to fulfill the requirements for constructing the generator.   Conclusion The journey to the northern lands was fraught with danger and challenges, but the adventurers' bravery, skill, and determination ensured their success. They found the perfect location to set up the Borealis Generator, laying the groundwork for a protective field capable of resisting the Everstorm. This mission marked a critical step in their ongoing quest to protect their world from the relentless storm.

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