A Tale of three Fault Lines Geographic Location in Astralis | World Anvil
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A Tale of three Fault Lines

There are many fault lines which occur throughout Extiri, with some originating in some of the most sought after regions of their continents.The most predominant fault is one that stretches through the capital of Vestare, but there are four other major fault lines to concern ourselves with. The main fault is the Lord Tanatos fault, which connects the Lord Nettuno, Lady Druscilla, Santa Angelica, and King Evander fault. This fault system is a part of a strike-slip fault system, meaning the faults are moving past each other.   Because of the nature of the faults, even at the time of the story, there is extensive evidence to help scientists map these faults because of a phenomenon known as creep. In short, creep is where the plates, and therefore the faults, are moving constantly. Because of this, there are many streets throughout the capital city which have become jarringly offset due to the force.   The Lord Tanatos fault produces a major earthquake every fifty years, while the Santa Angelica and King Evander faults connect, feed off of each other, and produce a major earthquake every one hundred years. As of the beginning of the story, it has been one hundred and fifty years since the last major earthquake, which occured on the Santa Angelica fault line, triggered the Lord Tanatos fault, and caused the destruction of an entire city.   The capital city of Vestare has often been known for its wine, olives, and rich seafood cuisine. It is a cultural hub of business, trade, and military prowess. However, when the last major earthquake hit, it razed the whole city to the ground, leaving hundreds of people dead. Because the trading ports also collapsed, the global trade of goods nearly haulted, and it brought the world economy to a standstill.   Scientists at Salacia University of Vestare have been studying the fault lines to try and predict the next big earthquakes.

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