Aevan (/ eɪvæn /)
This settlement is classified as a restricted access location by the Universal State of Humanity. Unauthorized entry is considered grounds for persecution.
Government and Politics
As the capital of the USH, Aevan acts as home to most of the political figures with clout in the conglomerate nation. The Dus Elects of each subordinate nation-state are housed within the megastructure, and are not permitted to leave the structure until their term as Dus Elect has expired. A council of the Dus Elects is held once a month in a central chamber known as the Elector's Hall. This meeting — known as the Elector's Conference — is where decisions regarding Aevan and the USH as a whole are made. The next scheduled Elector's Conference is 28 October 2998.Climate Systems
As a ecumenopolis the size of a large planet, Aevan is host to many "climate styles" to better suit the needs of produce and comfort of its citizens. Temperatures range from -5°C at the coldest to 38°C on Aevan at any given time. Thanks to the temperature regulation protocols, no singular area on Aevan fluctuates in temperature more than 25°C in a single year. Humidity levels are near-constants on Aevan, although different areas may have different levels of humidity. Notably, the humidity level goes up as the level number does. Level 226, for example, has a humidity of 54% year-round. Precipitation does not occur on Aevan.Aevan (with moon-sized planetoid at left for scale) by moonflower with NightCafe
Alternative Name(s)
The Center of Humanity (poetic)
Owning Organization