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The Great Discussion Begins

Celestial / Cosmic


How the Mortal Plane came into existence, aswell as The Gods of Astrinor and Astrinor Itself.

Absolute Nullity. A blank canvas waiting to feel the stroke of creation. The resources in abundance; laying like a thick layer of dust, undisturbed for eons. In this moment, everything and nothing will exist, does exist and has existed.   *psssh*     The dust moved... the tiniest bit. Just out of the corner of your Eye. My Eye? I has Eyes? How many? I want one. What's an Eye?     *Pssssshh*     There it is again. The dust moved once more. Did You see it? Did Who see it? Who are You? Who am I... Well I'm Me, are you You?   Look! More dust is being kicked up.. Will You Two be quiet... Who's Two? Who's You Two? I dont know this Who or Two, maybe its You pretending to be Two? No, its not You or Two... it could be Me? Or maybe it's I, or Who? Well if it's not Me, You, I, Who or Two... then maybe it's What. What's What? Well, if What's What and it's not Me, You, I, Who or Two. Then it's obviously Where. Soooo... What's Where? No. Youre getting this all wrong. If What is What and What is not Where and Where is not What, Me, You, I, Who or Two then its got to be Why.   *PSSSSSSSSH*     The Dust moved again, if anyone cares... or is it just Me thats watching the dust now... But Why. Why does it have to be Why. Why Not? Why Now? Why Not Now? Now What? What? No, not you What, What's Now? But Why Not Now? Who's Not?! No! Who is Who! Well, I'm Me! We know thats You! No its Not! Its Not Me, Its You! Who's You? NO!     *BANG!*     Look at the dust.   Silence fell amongst the argument as a sound like... well, something? Rushed all around... somewhere....     Then Light, Darkness, Existence, Being, Feeling, Smells, Noises, Colours, Explosions, Fire. Great chunks of rock hurtling around! smashing into one another, each contact creating new colours, smells, noises. Great swirling masses of gas formulate into tiny particles that compress more and more until newer things are created! And so on...     Anyways... So Where Were We? Who's Where? Who's Were? Who's We! Oh Gods....     And this went on for quite some time. The gods, as they came to be known; through many a discussion, debate, fighting and falling out, created the plane of existence that we know to this day. It is unknown to us mortals the whole semantics behind creating a universe and we just accept it as fact that the gods knew what they were doing... but ill let you decide upon this hypothesis in your own time.

Related Location
The Mortal Plane
Related timelines & articles
The Known Timeline of Astrinor