Phouls Species in Asylum | World Anvil
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Phouls, so named due to their being known as spectres or ghouls which skulk beneath pools of water until they are called for by their masters, are constructed creatures. A mixture of biological parts and mechaniery is used in the process, though the exact art of animating and controlling such a creation is a long hidden secret of the Mechgeneer's Guild. While most phouls are used by Mechgeneers to do the dirty or laborious jobs which help to keep a Mechgeneer foundry and laboratory running smoothly, some have been used in attempted assassinations and murders. The Juridical Guild has instated no public laws surrounding the use of phouls for committing crimes, for reasons known only to them and their associates, but such crimes are carefully moderated by the MasterMinds of BWOH City Name.

The most disturbing use of phouls has been their application as security and enforcement, notably within The Coldwell Caverns. Being part machine and part...everything else, leaves much to be desired in the way of a moral-compass, or any real self-aware thoughts of any kind. However, none in power have ever been constrained by such negligible societal norms.

Mechgeneer-MasterMind Merger Motto
Progress Perfected in Perpetual Power

Basic Information


Phouls are fluxional constructions made of parts of various organic beings and bits of mechinary. As such they may have anywhere from no limbs to 100 or more limbs, depending on the needs of the designer.

Genetics and Reproduction

Phouls have no method of reproduction on their own.

Ecology and Habitats

To avoid overwhelming their poorly-tuned or hyper-tuned senses, Phouls typically thrive when fully submerging themeselves beneath the surface of water, away from bright lights and loud noises. Phouls do not sleep, but rather vegitate beneath the surface of pools of warm water, until they are needed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

One of the most alluring aspects to creating a Phoul is that it does not need to be fed, however this is deeply contrasted by the ever-present desire within all Phoul creations to feed on the flesh of their targets, assigned or attained. It is believed that this innate desire is a direct result of their incomplete nature--the drive to supplement their broken bodies with pieces of others.

Biological Cycle

Piece 'em tugethar and rip 'em apart! That's the best of mechgeneer art! Ginickous, Garm 22-42 PG

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phouls usually possess either or both an incredible sense of smell and/or auditory sense, but typically do not have a very clear sense of sight, even when many eyeballs have been added in their construction.
Scientific Name
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