One of the first objects made in his forced retirement was a simple metal mug, with depictions of his own past.
In it, he carves how the primordial seas had became tamed, and that order was created in the water world. The artist continues the story, giving a picture to the vast empire, and an image to its masters. Their many eyed, many throated, amorphous figures at the center of their empire, able to transmit complex thoughts and ideas in instants. The vast empire was peaceful and lasted for thousands of years, with no decline.
Then, the artistry goes on, the invaders from the stars came, and during the war with the cosmic star spawn, vast upheavals of land began to appear. Not long after the star spawn, more invaders from beyond started to come to the fledgling planet.
It was during these turbulent times, deep in the seas that even the Shoggoths or the deep ones have not ventured too, that the artist, and First Sailor, was born. At this time he was a giant, bipedal in nature, and standing up right - but the similarity to any normal man ender there.