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The Laconis

The Laconis are a society wholly dedicated to war. According to legend, the Laconis were subjugated by the Seras for hundreds of years. The Seras robbed the Laconis of their resources and used its people to conduct horrific magical and alchemical experiments. The great hero Ionis, no longer willing to suffer under Serean rule, made a pact with the god Bane: Bane would give strength to Ionis and his followers and teach them the secrets to wage war. In exchange, Bane demanded absolute loyalty and forbid the use any arcane magic, less their prowess in battle be perverted like their Serean overlords. Ionis accepted, overthrowing the Serean governor, crushing the occupying army, and establishing the first Laconic dynasty.   Ionis established the laws and customs that govern Laconis to this day. First, all Laconins are warriors, and must be trained starting at age five in the arts of war. Second, all arcane magic is forbidden within Laconis territory; anyone who violates this ban is subject to execution. Third, the highest honor for any Laconin is to die for their city, whether on the field of battle or in giving birth to the next generation. They are Bane’s chosen and will be reincarnated to fight for the city in their next life. Because all Laconins are warriors, slaves perform all menial and skilled labor in the city. There’s approximately eight slaves for every Laconin. Killing a skilled slave, such as Dwarven or Gnomish artisans, is considered a crime and is punishable by a fine or public lashing. “Replaceable” slaves, such as field workers or miners, can be killed or tortured with impunity, and is considered part and parcel of keeping the slave classes in line.   Laconin warriors have mastered the phalanx and march into battle with bronze heavy armor, spears, and short swords. They fight as fanatics, each soldier following orders from their officers with unquestioning loyalty, and will almost always fight to the last man rather than break ranks and retreat. Their heavy armor and skill with their weapons allows Laconin formations to hold their own against numerically superior forces. All Laconin soldiers are absolutely fearless and specially trained to shrug off magical attacks.   The only thing more fearsome than the charge of Laconin infantry are their war priests. They work themselves into a blood frenzy before each battle, charging into the fray clad in heavy armor, with scythes or chained sickles to bleed the enemy and use their essence to fuel their divine magics. They focus almost entirely on weakening or destroying their enemies; healing the wounded is beneath them and is considered work for the slaves.   The Laconins share a common history with their fellow Marians, the Nikea. The Laconins view the magocracy of the Nikea with contempt, and have skirmished with them for regional supremacy for hundreds of years. The Hadrianic Empire used this division to conquer both territories. The only two things keeping the peace between the Laconins and the Nikeans are a mutual hatred of Seras, and general mistrust of the empire.


All Laconin warrior seek series of glorious battles, with an equally glorious death, that will be sung by the bards for ages to come.

Public Agenda

The Laconins seek to repel any encroachment from the Seras empire and violently expel them from Marian lands.  They will violently  suppress any slave uprising or any agitation for their political rights.   It is an open secret that the Laconins still seek the destruction of Nikea and have dreams of uniting all Marian lands under their rule.

To secure peace is to prepare for war

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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