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The Black Hand (a.k.a. The Lord of Darkness)

Bane is the god of tyranny. His creed is simple: the strong should rule over the weak. He believes that this is not just the right of the strong, but their duty. The weak must be subjugated because that is their role and they will benefit from being led by a stronger hand. When rulers succumb to decadence, corruption, or weakness over time, they too will be deposed and a stronger and more capable ruler will rise-- as the cycle should be. The strong will always rise to the top.   Throughout history, Bane's name has been invoked by many who have committed dark deeds in the pursuit of power, control, and law. For some, Bane's faithful have been heralded as saviors who defeated raiders and bandits and brought lawful order to lands of chaos and corruption. For others, worship of Bane has resulted in cruel dictatorships, greedy oligarchies, and subjugation of peoples and cultures.   Bane is often depicted as a dark and shadowy figure with not much of himself clear aside from his dark, armored gauntlet.

Followers of Bane

  • To his worshippers, Bane represents ambition and control. He is prayed to for strength in order to achieve those lofty ambitions.
  • Would-be rulers, leaders, and conquerors are those most likely to devote themselves to Bane's power.

Divine Domains

  • War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • An upright black hand

Tenets of Faith

  • The strong should and must rule over the weak
  • Followers must know their place beneath their leaders; disloyalty is to be punished most harshly
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Evil

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