Mirror of Dawn

Description: The Mirror of Dawn is a large, ornate mirror surrounded by a frame of finely wrought gold. It emits a constant, soft golden glow, reflecting not just images but the true essence of those who look into it.   Powers: This mirror reveals the true nature of any person or object reflected in it, dispelling illusions and revealing hidden truths. Once per day, it can cast a powerful Daylight spell that lasts for 24 hours. Additionally, the mirror can be used to scry, as per the Scrying spell, without the need for material components.   History: Crafted by the ancient high priests of Solaria, the Mirror of Dawn was used in significant religious ceremonies to purify and prepare initiates for their service. It is said to have been a conduit for Solaria’s wisdom, guiding the priests in making just decisions.  
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization


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