Solaria’s Mantle

Description: A radiant cloak made from threads of pure sunlight, this mantle shines with a light that never fades. It is warm to the touch and changes colors with the sunrise and sunset, reflecting the sky's hues.   Powers: The wearer of Solaria’s Mantle gains immunity to necrotic damage and resistance to radiant damage. Once per day, the wearer can use the cloak to cast the Sunbeam spell as a 5th-level caster. The cloak also grants the wearer the ability to speak with animals, reflecting Solaria's connection to all living things.   History: Woven by celestial beings on the looms of dawn, this mantle is said to have been created from the first light of the world. It is bestowed upon champions chosen by Solaria to spread her light across the world.  
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization


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