
The Founding of Varenhold

Nestled in the cradle of the Mourning Mountains, Varenhold was carved from the very stone it stood upon. The city-state was founded by the great matriarch, Ysmerelda Varen, a visionary who foresaw the potential of uniting the scattered tribes of the mountain foothills. Under her guidance, the disparate peoples forged a community centered on the bountiful veins of ore and the protective embrace of the mountains.  

Communion with Terranox

Legend holds that it was Ysmerelda herself who first communed with Terranox. During a night of desperate need, when relentless storms threatened to undo the fruits of their hard labor, she ventured into the depths of the earth. There, in a cavern aglow with the natural luminescence of gemstones, she beseeched the spirit of the earth for salvation. Terranox, moved by her plea and the unity of her people, stilled the storms above, granting the citizens of Varenhold his boon. Thus began the veneration of Terranox, with The Order of the Stoic Earth taking root in the heart of Varenhold.  

Cultural Divergence

As Varenhold prospered, its culture began to diverge. The miners and metalworkers, whose lives were spent delving into the earth's secrets, became known for their pragmatism and resilience, qualities bestowed by Terranox. Above ground, the builders and artisans, sculpting the mountain's bounty, developed a reverence for the mountains' protective might. They began to see the earth not just as a source of material wealth but as a guardian to be emulated, laying the cultural cornerstone for the militaristic virtues that would later define Ironhall.  

Chronicles of Varenhold

The chronicles of Varenhold are rife with tales of triumph and tribulation. There was the Era of Embers, when the forges of Varenhold burned day and night to arm allies against a horde of marauding giants from the Frozen Wastes. The Victory of Echoed Valleys, a monumental battle where the resonance of Varenhold's war drums in the mountains turned the tide, remains a favorite tale of bards.  

Festivities and Conflict

There were also times of peace and festivity, such as the Decennial Forge Festivals, where artisans from across the land would come to display their crafts and partake in the forging competitions, their hammers ringing in harmonious concert.  

The Strife of the Two Spires

Yet, not all was harmonious. The Strife of the Two Spires, a period of civil unrest, was driven by differing ideologies on whether Varenhold should continue to expand its mines or fortify its achievements. This internal conflict sowed the seeds for the eventual split of Varenhold's people, foreshadowing the rise of two distinct cities from its legacy.  

Legacy of Varenhold

Through cycles of growth, conflict, celebration, and innovation, Varenhold's tale is one of a city-state that laid the foundation for a future where its people—grounded in the earth and graced by Terranox's strength—would endure to forge a dominion both mighty and enduring.


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