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Fuelled by Greed

Gilded Tyrant Ank'ahet

A treasurer of riches, Ank'ahet has a burning desire for all that glitters.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He has run mines of slaves for his whole life, forcing them into toil in order to find more and more gems to satisfy his hunger. Once, a slave found a shard of the Stone of Jas in the mines, and, following procedure in the mine, didn't lay his grubby fingers on it. He sent a message up the chain of command, until the Dao himself swooped down to claim the riches, not fully comprehending its power. He was greatly empowered, gaining the ability to enslave people on command, and produce gems from the sands in an instant.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of War
Current Residence
The Vale of Cloud

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